A federal court in California has slowed the Trump-the government’s new policy to send asylum seekers back across the border to Mexico, while their cases were processed.
It writes the Associated Press.
the San Francisco judge Richard Seeborg says that the new rules are contrary to the law, since it may bring the migrants ‘ lives in danger. The court’s decision shall enter into force on Friday and applies throughout the country.
It was the lawyers for borgerrettighedsgruppen the ACLU, as well as 11 migrants, who had brought the case before a court.
Trump-the government had introduced the new rules to stem the continuing flow of Latin american migrants, who cross the border to the UNITED states.
Although the government repeatedly has tried to curb the flow of migrants continues the number to rise.
Many of the migrants come from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador and is made up of families who are fleeing from poverty and banditry.