Huge rainfall in recent days has led to that several hundred homes have been evacuated in the state of Queensland in the northeastern part of Australia over the last few days.

the Flood is referred to as the worst for almost 100 years, and has among other things led to that snakes and crocodiles have found their way to the streets.

The reports of several international media, including CNN.

IN the PARK: One of the Townsville residents, Amelia Rankin, in paken Hermit in Townsville Sunday afternoon. Photo: REUTERS/ NTB Scanpix Show more Crocodile in front of the house

in Order to avoid that the dam in the river Ross River to burst as a result of nedbørmengdene, the government has on several occasions decided to open the dam to relieve the water. On the night of Monday was more than 1900 cubic metres of water per second, sent down the river.

the City of Townsville is located in the.. the epicentre, and it is among other things, this city, which is the receiver for large parts of the flows being released from the nearby river. According to the Australian newspaper 9 News to several of the city’s suburbs be completely flooded. It is in the same areas, residents have reported about both snakes and crocodiles which are recognised with the amount of water in the city’s streets.

Erin Hahn lives in the suburb of Mundigburra, and Sunday she was met by a ferskvannskrokodille in front of his father’s house.

the Crocodile was one to two metres long, she explained to the newspaper.

GREETED BY CROCODILE: Erin Hahn was met by a crocodile in the driveway on Sunday evening. Photo: EPA/NTB Scanpix Show more

In a post on facebook repeat she also the government encouragement to stay away from the water, together with the image of the crocodile.

Also on Friday released the authorities of water from the river, something they may come to having to do several times over the next few days, as the storm will persist. Elly Carpentier left his house Friday morning to pick up the kids at school. When she came back after 45 minutes stood the house under the water.

It was almost dry on the ground when I went to school. In the course of a half hour, the step floodwaters three metres. My house was completely under water. I have never seen anything like it, ” said the broken-hearted woman to The Guardian.

< p> the Storm continues

the Storm continued through the weekend, which led to the authorities Saturday decided to go from door to door to warn about the population that the situation would be worse. Several people have lost access to power, and after advice from the authorities sought refuge on rooftops.

ESCAPE: More than 1000 residents were on Sunday evacuated in Townsville using modification of rescue boats and a helicopter. Photo: AAP/ NTB Scanpix Show more

Værvarslet for the next two days is rather not encouraging for the citizens in the state. Delstatsminister in Queensland, Annastacia Palaszczuk, warned Monday of heavy rain also for the next few days, and ask that people stay off the streets.

There will be strong wind gusts and a torrential rainfall. So again, our message is that if you do not need to be on the road, so don’t do it, ” said she, according to 9 News.

It is feared that between 10 000 and 20 000 homes can be totalskadd as a result of the flood, and several may have to be evacuated in the next few days. The storm in Queensland, while large parts of Australia experiencing a røkordhøy heat wave. In the city of Adelaide, reaching temperatures of 46 degrees at the end of January. It is the warmest January temperature ever in Australia.

20 000 houses evacuated after extreme-rain