Shortly before 2.30 am on Tuesday morning, a woman alerted the Zurich city police. She reported that she had been beaten by a man. The perpetrators do not know.

The police found the injured woman at the Sihlhallenstrasse in district 4. According to your information you hit the man several times with a blunt, hard object against the head. She had to be brought to the hospital.

after a short time, the officers saw a man, with the description of the woman fit. They brought him in.

police are looking for witnesses

The background and the Tatablauf are currently still unclear and will be investigated by detectives of the city police of Zurich . For a forensics advanced specialists of the forensic Institute.

The city police is now looking for witnesses, the details of the incident described by the Tuesday morning, 26. February 2019, make. This occurred between 02.15 p.m. and 02.45 p.m. in the long street of the neighborhood, not far from the schönegg place. Witnesses report under the 0 444 117 117. (meg)

Created: 26.02.2019, 11:41 PM