– Follobanen is an illustration of the separation and ansvarspulverisering in today’s poor overthrow jernbanesektor, thunders Støre in Aftenposten.

He believes that the project is completely without steering and control.

– I have in 20 years working closely with people who depend on the trains here. It has made an impression. Pendlerne is the first thing we think of now when news come about that everyone who is depending on this project, have to wait, ” says Støre.

He believes that jernbanesektoren should have had a more unified leadership and believes oppsplittingen that the bourgeois government has been in the tip for have made it harder to control the project.

Mayors will have buses

For just less than two weeks ago, 9. January, said minister for transport Jon Georg Dale (progress party) that everything was on schedule.

Now he says to the newspaper that there is no doubt that he should have had the information he now has in the past.

– Primarily there is the Path Nor should have this control. but two days before I was in Parliament I had checked and received information from the Path Nor to indicate that the schedule is kept, ” he says.

Dale has given Jernbanedirektoratet in the task to look at the options for what can be done for pendlerne on Østfoldbanen. Follo-mayor calls for more buses.

Fornebubanen also delayed

Follobaneprosjektet is a part of the Intercity development, and will give the eleven-minute travel time between Oslo and Ski when it is completed, which is a halving of the journey time. 72 per cent of the development is now completed.

Friday, it became known that also Fornebubanen is delayed. It should according to plan be finished in the fall of 2025. But according to a report, it must be calculated up to one and a half years of extra construction time, writes NRK. the