“The strengthening of the procedures should protect the home for the elderly”

“the Police are investigating a murder and two attempted murder in a retirement home in west Sweden.”

“– now, If it has been done so there is a constant concern that it is someone who goes around and expose our users to this. It is terrible, it is terrible, ” says the head of the Nursing and care services administration in the current municipality.”

“It was in may of last year as the two older came in with insulinöverdoser to a hospital in the region. In January of this year were discovered then the additional cases. The police investigation has now been in progress for almost a year.”

“– What I do know is that there are two incidents where people have survived. In the third case died of the patient in connection with the incident. But it is difficult to know if the patient died because of insulinöverdoserna or if there were other reasons, ” says the head of administration.”

” Where shall the hospital be assisted with a post mortem to establish the cause of death.”

“At the first events of suspected active euthanasia was driven by the accommodation of a private operator.”

“– When the first incidents occurred took the company that then ran home measures to secure the management of insulin. Among other things, in the delegations. There are procedures that we held on to since the municipality took over the responsibility.”

“With the delegation means that the health professionals who are formally qualified for a medical task, transfer the task to another person who lacks formal competence for the task. Of patient safety legislation shows that healthcare professionals only may assign, delegate a task to someone else, when it is consistent with the requirement for a good and safe care.”

“Strengthened further.”

“the Municipality has since reinforced the routine further.”

” We will strengthen the procedures relating to the insulin so that they are in class with how we handle controlled medicines, says the head of administration.”

“It has not, however, considered that there are reasons to tighten up insulinhanteringen on other properties in the municipality.”

“– Then there are certain other measures which I do not want to tell you about. There are things that we do to help the police in their investigation. But you can say that we are extra vigilant, there are extra eyes and ears.”

“the head of administration would at the same time calling for calm.”

“– There are no other incidents to note. We have not been able to see any abnormality in the connection with the other deaths. On available live many elderly and weak people, but we have not seen anything that is abnormal. Nor does it have nurses or doctors on site.”

“the Property and the municipality are doing all they can to assist the police in the investigation.”

“– But it is difficult to investigate. If you live in a home for the elderly often have many diseases and it is sometimes difficult to determine what is what. But we are strengthening up procedures to ensure that something similar cannot happen again.”

“Euthanasia in the medical way contributes to or causes a person’s death, at his / her or under certain circumstances a close relative’s request. Is also called euthanasia.”

“active euthanasia” refers to the one with active documents intentionally induces or accelerates the dying of a person. In Sweden, and large parts of the world, is active euthanasia illegal, and the offence is classified as murder or manslaughter.”

“With passive euthanasia refers to abstaining from life-sustaining treatment at the same time providing palliative care. Passive euthanasia is legal in many countries, including Sweden. Examples where it can happen is people who are in a coma, or people who choose to abstain from treatment of a fatal disease.”

“Source: Nationalencyklopedin, the Swedish national Board of health.”