More specifically, it is “1,500 customers for whom the time to restore gas to service exceeds 5 days”, and who are waiting for this connection, for example after a breakdown or after moving into a new home, specifies the gas distributor. . These people, depending on the gas applications concerning them, are deprived of heating and/or hot water.
Agents of the group are on strike at the call of the first trade union of the company, the CGT, which rejects an agreement on wages signed in mid-November by the three other representative organizations (CFDT, CFE-Energie, FO) .
Non-striking teams were dispatched “in reinforcement” on Saturday, indicates GRDF on Sunday.
For “sensitive cases” linked to the presence of fragile people, babies, elderly people or others, the company adds that it is “in connection with the district town halls and the Energy Ombudsman to be able to identify them within 48 hours” .
The CGT’s strike notice runs at this stage until December 2, according to the CGT, which wishes to renegotiate with management.