For this Wednesday, have called on the trade unions of the public service in Berlin to an all-day warning strike. Most affected are the daycare centers and schools. But also in civil – and district offices, in libraries and other Places where the country employees work, must be expected with restrictions.

The Situation of day-care centres: To the strike, the educators in the kindergartens, the municipal corporations, and of the Pestalozzi are called-Fröbel-house. Many of these day care centers will remain on Wednesday completely closed, and some offer an emergency service. The trade unions GEW and Verdi, expect a high strike participation, as a better position of the educator is the focus of the Berlin trade Union demands. WT-speaker Markus Hanisch said that the warning strike on 29. January remained closed around 40 facilities. Likely that this number will be higher. To include the self-operated about 270 daycare centers, around 34,000 children are looked after.
In the case of the kindergartens, the Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus (PFH) participate in all nine day-care centres, said a spokeswoman. Seven of them remain closed, and the two offer an emergency service, the parents of the other PFH-day-care centres could benefit. It is the day-care centres in the Belziger Straße in Schöneberg, and in the Olbers street in Charlottenburg.
day-care centres by free carriers, are not affected by the strike in the rule. The umbrella organisation for the children and pupils stores (DAKS) has been linearized, but with the strike of educators solid. By parents of the services and shorter opening Hours of the children could – and student shops make it possible for the educators to go to the strike rally, said in a info sheet of the DAKS.

The says the right : What parents, if the children are not looked after because of the strike? How flexible employers need to be? The lawyer Kaja Keller explains in the daily mirror Interview.

schools: At the majority of schools will likely be to teaching default, says WT-speaker Markus Hanisch. At some schools, it may happen that no regular teaching takes place. On the basis of previous teachers ‘ strikes, the WT expects more than 10,000 lessons could be hours. Around 17,000 teachers are employed, which is about half of the teachers. Civil service teachers may not strike, but they can not be used to represent the end of the strike colleagues, except for emergency services. The Senate administration for education, points out in an information circular for a strike. Many schools have informed the parents about the limitations and failures. Some ask to bring children later or earlier pick up. Primary schools are required, however, an emergency care.

The newcomers: are Also allowed teachers to work as a newcomer, go on strike, if it comes to their teaching commitment, clear Hanisch. You should not, however, be a strike if you at the day seminars, examinations or vocational studies.

Affected authorities: in the civil, district and youth welfare offices, there may be limitations, office hours could be said Verdi spokesman Andreas He. All employees, country employees covered by the collective agreement of the countries, according to trade Union data, around 70,000 persons. In addition to Verdi, and WT also, the police trade Union GdP and the IG Bau have called for a warning strike. Officials, such as police officers and firefighters, cannot strike. It can participate in administrative staff or employees in technical service. It is likely that some police officers and firefighters in their spare time to the strike rally, said Verdi spokesman He.

Scheduled actions: On Wednesday, the strike meet at 10 am at Alexanderplatz. From there, a March to the Brandenburg gate is planned, where at 11: 30 a.m. a final rally is to take place.

requirements: In the case of the nationwide collective bargaining on the collective agreement of the Federal States (TVL) to request the trade unions and six percent more pay, a minimum of 200 euros a month more. In Berlin, the trade unions also need to achieve a better pay of the Berlin educators, and social workers. In most States, they earn more because they are not paid in accordance with the local collective bargaining agreement of the public service (TVöD).

The state of collective bargaining: there have Been two rounds of negotiations and according to the unions, still no breakthrough. In Central questions, there is still no convergence, said Verdi head Frank Bsirske.


And on Friday the BVG – to the Overview

strike – This bus ride anyway: On Friday, it comes in the Berlin public transport for recusal. 21 bus routes yet, and seven more restricted. The Overview.

– The train continues on Friday 50 Extra trains. The Situation.

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