“Enhanced penalty proposed in the välfärdsbrott”
“Rough bidragsbrott shall in the future be able to provide up to six years in prison.”
“It is one of the proposals from the government on stricter legislation around the välfärdsbrott.”
“Minister of finance Magdalena Andersson (S) present proposals in connection with a referral submitted to the council.”
” Both tax evasion and välfärdsbrott harmful to society in several ways, including damaging the free competition. Tax evasion and välfärdsbrott hurt the trust between people. “
“Eroding public finances”
“She also emphasizes that the wrong play, both with taxes and contributions, eroding public finances which hits the bets on the judiciary, education, health care and infrastructure.”
“In Swedish it is proposed that the bidragsbrottslagen and the act on the obligation to notify in the event of incorrect payments from the welfare system to include more welfare benefits. Among these are mentioned, among other things, dental care support.”
“the maximum penalty for aggravated bidragsbrott are proposed also to be strengthened from four to six years. The limitation period for the call and careless bidragsbrott shall at the same time be extended from two years to five years.”
“– the Aim is that it should lead to more punished and that the punishments are getting longer, ” says the minister of finance.”
“the Proposal now goes out for consultation is in line with investigations in the field. The focus is on the rules shall enter into force on 1 January 2020.”
“According to the minister of finance is the tightening of the rules which is now presented only a step on the way to combat benefit fraud.”
“– There will be more suggestions, ” she says.”