The “martyrdom” went off, as Jennifer came out in her environment as a lesbian. Suddenly, she was invisible to the others, “air”, as she describes it. Relief brought in that time alone the Internet. Practically the whole time she was online. In youth forums you could interact with other young lesbian: “as a result, I have lived.”

the experience of The today 23-Year-old is quoted in a new study by the German youth Institute. The scientists have interrogated more than 1700 lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse young people and young adults from 14 to 27 years, how you spend your free time and how their environment reacts to their sexual orientation or gender identity.

The Internet is a fixed point of the respondents

the use of The Internet – Good or Bad – a point of reference for the respondents. Tend to use queer youth even more intense than hetero confirm sexual, as with other studies: As a space in which you can network with other queer young people, often for the first time ever. On the other hand, however, it is also the place where they are exposed to discrimination.

daily mirror people


of The German youth Institute, with the survey to a comprehensive Coming-Out-study from the year 2015. The Tenor of the time: After Coming Out still, many have to expect rejection from friends and family. The finding is confirmed now. Even in the age of marriage for all and the third gender option young people who are not heterosexual, or not, as a cis-gender identify (whose gender, therefore, not with the match, which was assigned to them at birth), numerous experiences of discrimination.

“tension free” time

Just as the recreational offers, but also much more than the school the opportunity to specifically seek the protection of spaces In which young people themselves can move, where you are with Girlfriends and friends on the go, you will accept. Of a “voltage field” speak to the authors, therefore, in which queer adolescents are at your leisure: While you will experience in many Places of inclusion, they will be marginalized at the same time elsewhere. An example from the study of several Central places of recreation.

for example, the Internet. This is an indispensable part of the everyday life of young people”,” it is also in this survey, each*r Respondent uses it. Three-quarters of the respondents surfing between two and five hours online, 20 per cent for even longer. The average time is compared with the results of other youth studies slightly higher. Also queer young people are tend to be more active on the pages on-the-go, the personal commitment, such as in Internet forums, or Newsgroups.

Some online can occur more authentic than in real life

The Internet offer the Chance to the topic of LGBTI closer to, “without having someone else to inform you,” it says. In the network of queer young people to meet new people, share their own experiences. Each of the*r Second not has an Account on queer-specific platforms such as Gorizi, a Portal for young lesbian, gay Portal dbna (“you’re not alone”), or the FTM-Portal that men is aimed at young trans.

Many of the respondents would stand “with English-speaking Peers in the exchange,” says the study, which is in respect of routine English language skills of a “resource profit”. Especially for trans and gender diverse young people, the Internet is the place “where you make a lot of positive experiences”. A total of queer adolescents in the Internet would occur “partly authentic, as is possible in real life,” conclude the authors.

Trans young people are more likely to be discrimination

However: The Internet is at the same time, the leisure area, where the young people experience the most discrimination experiences. That because of their sexual orientation or gender identity online jokes about them are made, have seen 88 percent of the respondents at least once. Trans and gender diverse young people overall are exposed to more discrimination: 46% reported of them, that offended them online, insulted or ridiculed. From the young lesbian, Gay and Bisexual, 28 percent saying the.

example youth centres and Clubs. The study highlights the importance of queer youth centres; and, most recently, Berlin has set up a. Almost every third Respondent attended an LGBTI youth group, some for long travel times. “This is where you meet like-Minded people, experience role models and can talk about relevant topics that are in everyday life do not, of course, and are addressed openly,” – said in the study. Many would engage later for the groups on a volunteer basis, so additional social skills.

The importance of queer youth centres particularly against the Background that LGBTI youth in General, youth cultural places, such as in other centres, in Clubs, at parties or in coffee shops to feel less well. From the Internet apart, you will experience the most discrimination: Nine out of ten have already made negative experiences. Almost a third of lesbian, gay and bisexual young people are exposed to at parties sexual harassment and insults, in the case of trans young people are even 42 percent.

locker room as a scared space

Sport . Two-thirds say that they do in their leisure time sports: The younger tend to be in Clubs, the older commercial Offers, such as fitness studios. The experiences vary greatly. Young gay and Bisexual perceive the Sport more inclusive than, for example, the school or Clubs and Discos, especially if you exercise him outside a club with friends. Trans young people make a significantly negative experience. This is mainly due to the fact that in sports, the heteronormative Two-gender order is particularly effective, it is necessary to assign in most sports men or women, locker rooms, a kind of Fear.

The study recommends here, in particular, Associations that are not focused on a competition mode to focus more on diversity. Also trainers need to be more aware, to be able to in case of doubt, intervene. Because discrimination often come from the team of colleagues.

When a public kiss is not commonplace

another striking result of the survey: In public space the majority of respondents feel insecure, describe “basically a feeling of fear” as it is called in the study. 84 percent have experienced discrimination because of their sexual orientation, and 94 percent because of their gender identity. This includes derogatory jokes, insults, and harassment – and the feeling, often stared at or observed.

“Commonplace situations, on the straight sexeulle people usually do not need to think to kiss how to run as a Couple in Public, Hand in Hand,” for queer young people, therefore, “neither self-evident nor unproblematic or harmless”.

More about

study of young gay and TRANS-sexual, The trouble with the Coming-out

Anja Kühne

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