Befamlinger on the thigh, indirect sexual deals and the repeated humiliations in front of colleagues.
these are just some of the incidents, the 48-year-old Andorthe Jensen had to stand for it, when she was employed in the finance department in the Middle – and West zealand Police in Roskilde. Through the five months in 2014, she was he subjected to verbal and physical sexual harassment by his boss.
The typing of A4 Media.
– He (chief ed.) is sexfikseret. He can not open the mouth, without the sexual. Every day, he commented my look and my body says Andorthe Jensen.
In 2018, she got recognised the incidents as workers ‘ compensation and got in the connection, the compensation for permanent injury and damages for lost earning capacity.
Although the violations took place almost five years ago, the remains of its tracks at Andorthe Jensen. She is suffering today from symptoms reminiscent of post traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD). There anxiety and depression, and she has got won a disability pension.
Andorthe Jensen has attempted to have raised a claim for damages against the Middle – and West zealand Police in both the district court and The high Court, but politikredsen in both cases, been acquitted on the grounds that they had offered Andorthe Jensen psychological assistance and granted the infringer a warning. The high Court considered, however, that she had been subjected to sexual harassment both physically and verbally.
in the Middle – and West zealand Police recognises sexchikanen.
– We still have a very strong focus on any indication that there is sexual harassment, bullying or other unacceptable behaviour, and we make a targeted and specific follow-up, if such a thing comes to our knowledge, says Rikke Skov Rasch, head of human resources in the Middle – and West zealand Police, for A4 Media.
Andorthe Jensen were among other befamlet physically by his boss during meetings and during road trips during working hours.
Besides, her boss, among other things turned to Andorthe Jensen and said: ‘You want to touch’ and ‘you know, when I finally got something of the cheeky’, according to court documents.