the Olympic games of 2036 in Berlin with this idea sparked Inside and sport Senator Andreas hostage (SPD) on Thursday to immediately fierce discussions among the coalition partners. At a meeting of the chamber of Commerce and industry hostage said Thursday that he could imagine a new Olympic bid of the city.

such A step would only be in the context of a national application with other German cities, conceivable, ‘ said the SPD politicians, according to his spokesman. As a possible time for the Olympic games in Germany as a hostage, called the year 2036. 100 years after the Olympic games in Berlin during the Nazi dictatorship in Germany could show how it had developed into a cosmopolitan, democratic country, said Geisel’s speaker.

From the point of view of the sports Senator could contribute to the Olympics in Berlin to improve the sports infrastructure. Such large events are always been a “Motor”.

the Chairman of The left group in the house of representatives, Udo Wolf, immediately responded on Twitter: “A bad joke, or? As if the last attempt would not have failed already embarrassing enough. Now, it becomes a little tasteless. Olympia‘36 for transport infrastructure?“

the rejection also came from the Green. “The Olympic games in Berlin – this is the IOC? Under the current conditions?“, the Green MEP Anja Schillhaneck asked.

at the beginning of the nineties, accompanied the mishaps and scandals, the then city’s bid to host the 2000 Olympic games. In the case of a new start for the Olympics 2024 in Berlin was defeated in the national excretion Hamburg, before the citizens of the Hanseatic city of issued to the Plan in 2015, a cancellation.

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