Heads of state and government have announced in the Polish city of Katowice, to the opening of the UN climate summit on Monday. The States want to develop in the coming days, a binding set of rules for the protection of the climate. A difficult task, because the conference is in front of a mountain of unresolved issues. the Michael belly müller Michael belly müller

Michael belly müller, Born in 1973, followed in Berlin the fate of the energy, environment and development policy. For the SZ, he has accompanied since 2001, a nuclear phase-out, a re-entry, and a back exit, also a dozen climate conferences, the success of renewable energies and the collapse of entire nuclear waste storage. Belly müller is an economist and graduate of the Cologne school of journalism, on its Board of Directors today. In 2013, the environmental media prize was awarded to him, in 2014, the TREE-eco-price. Fresh air, he snapped on the bike and when sailing.

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Angela Merkel has Better before this Monday. More than two dozen heads of state and government have announced in the Polish city of Katowice, to the opening of the UN climate summit. However, the German Chancellor, the 460 kilometers of air line too far. Finally, located in the Chancellery of the mayor of the diesel summit. You have to set priorities. The hosts are bitter.

Merkel’s is the Absence of symptomatic for the conference. Never, the political signs were for a climate summit so bad. And in the case of a conference, which decides on the value of the Paris climate agreement by 2015. Although the States have made to stabilizing global warming as far as possible below the threshold of plus two degrees Celsius. Open you but how each other want to control. Planned national climate protection plans to be reviewed every five years and renewed. However, these plans could quickly be worthless if no one can verify their effect. Needed a set of rules, to negotiate in Katowice is within two weeks.

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What do you expect from the UN climate conference?

In the Polish city of Katowice to discuss the heads of government on climate protection. National plans were adopted in the Paris agreement of 2015, will be binding. However, many States want to know from the climate change, nothing more.

The conditions had worsened by the choice of Donald trump as US President. But it had no dire consequences for the negotiations: The USA want to know at the Federal level, nothing more to climate protection, but some US States are more determined. And the US climate diplomats have not blocked the talks, at least.

Brazil falls as a mediator between industrial and emerging – market countries

The heavier the youngest of the rear weighs impact in Brazil. There Jair Bolsonaro to occur in January as the President, an avowed opponent of the Treaty of Paris. The Ultra-right is Süperbetin afraid of the national sovereignty of the country, for instance in the exploitation of the Amazon forests. His designated foreign Minister, sees in the Paris agreement, the work of “cultural Marxists”, who wanted to ultimately weaken the Western States in favour of China. Brazil was in the last few years as an important mediator between the industrial and emerging countries, as Mitarchitekt of the Treaty of Paris. That is in the past. In anticipatory obedience, the difference has to be cancelled at the end of the government last week, the climate change conference for the coming year: Brazil, wanted to align the money now.

The bad mood is reflected in many countries, even in Europe. In Germany, the AfD can’t find a human influence on the climate in the host country, Poland, friends of the carbon rule. Multilateral agreement keep the populists in Europe a little.

The “Green climate Fund” is the money from

these are miserable conditions for a conference, which is faced with many unresolved issues. Twice the negotiators have taken this year already. Out of the only piece of work is come. “The hash is quite large at the moment,” says Susanne Dröge, followed in the case of the Berlin Foundation science and policy, the international climate policy. “There are proposals for rules that are anything other than a uniform and understandable.” Already now visible that not all questions could be solved in Katowice. “The only question is: Are it, of all things, the most difficult issues are postponed to the next year?”

New study

health risks of climate change will rise

more and more vulnerable people are exposed to a new study, heat waves. Global warming also leads to more and more work be hours.

a Lot depends on the money. About the “Green climate Fund” to help industrialized countries to the Rest of the world to invest in a timely manner in clean technologies. Especially private investors to raise the money, support from public funds. However, the Fund resources, the first round of the recovery is just started. “For the developing countries is crucial that the industrial countries are to its promise,” says Christoph Bals, the climate expert at the German watch. “Because it goes to credibility.” The goal is high: The rich countries should mobilize on the way to $ 100 billion a year. Germany wants to double its current contribution, from 750 million to 1.5 billion euros. “Now others need to follow the example,” says development Minister Gerd Müller (CSU). Reactions are still to come.

co-host Poland provoked the venue

In other respects, however, Germany is expected to occur in a small voice. In Katowice, States should also set out what you have achieved since the conference in Paris in 2015 – and what they have planned up to 2020. Germany, which missed its target in sight, has managed to produce a coal Commission. However, has postponed its result just now. And the EU will refer to their new “long term strategy” instead of on Concrete. Is planned in a climate-neutral Union – in the year 2050.

all of this would not be vague enough, the host is the biggest mystery. A conference in the middle of the Silesian Coal district is actually a provocation for climate diplomats. Poland wants to provide the “equitable conversion” to the centre – in the Tradition of the solidarity movement, which fought for workers ‘ rights. Too much of this Tradition, however, Poland does not want to: “Spontaneous meetings” on the sidelines of the conference were forbidden by a special law.