It could have been a mere formality. Discussions about trees, apartments on the ground floor, a better connection to the neighboring district by a footbridge. But it was the “historic event” (Walter fear, AL), to the “great astonishment” (Christian Monn, GLP), and led to the Andrea Leitner Verhoeven (AL) asked a question, what the Council actually accurate.

the reason was a spat of the parties to the currently largest construction project in the city of Zurich, on the design plan would have to be voted on. A planned large development at the Thurgauerstrasse in Zurich-Seebach. On an area of nine football fields, one of the last and largest reserves of building land in the city, to be built starting in 2023 700 non-profit apartments, a school, and 200 old age homes. And a lot more.

A showcase project

The project is in many ways the political intentions of the city government: It takes into account the objectives of the 2000-Watt society, it is small to promote trade and closer to the city, in addition, that intended-thirds of non-profit apartments, that she wants to achieve by 2025. Also it is driving a large part of the parties intended, and as a necessary considered inside the compaction of the city.

for A whole year for a Commission on Amendments consulted on by the city Council, the Plan presented. More than a dozen Amendments had been made by the group in the end. They were also to trees and to pass Ellen.

Only the AL and the SVP were against it. Incorrect compaction, said the a, too much compression and too little Parking in the other. However, a majority in the Council, this was in the run-up quite significantly, you would not find with your arguments. So what led to yesterday that the transaction was, as expected, waved through, but now once again by the Commission and revised advice needs to be?

some of the parties
at least, is very special.”André Odermatt, the city Council (SP)

in Short, it was one of the SP anti-zipiertes Tilt of the Green to the camp of the AL, which led to an unusual merger of the SP and FDP. Davy Graf (SP) submitted to the Parliament a spontaneously formulated rejection of the request. He called back: the business of the Commission. The city Council and construction Stayer André Odermatt (SP) said at the end of the debate, which turned not to the project, but the question is whether he will have to draw up the plans once again: “The action by certain parties, at least, is very special.”

in Particular, because the Commission had sent two weeks ago, a media release – not necessarily a usual practice. But it pointed to the importance of the matter. “The Commission has presented against the outside of a consensus,” he says.

In this large-scale project in Zurich-Seebach is a lot of political dynamite.

In the media release, the compaction destination mountains a few challenges. The planned extensive discussion in yesterday’s double session in the Council testify to this. The promenade in the so-called pre-Zone approximately. Parking or ground floor use. It would be finally gone around the question of principle, how could it succeed, that in this gigantic project, one day life is moving. To prevent, not least that it takes the Overbuilding on the thurgauerstrasse as other large-scale projects in Zurich-North and Zurich-West.

the participation of the residents of the adjacent single-family house settlement was Proposed. These buildings have won the city Council after the announcement of the project Changes to your original Plan: less and less high, the height varying, so as not to allow the impression of a tie arise. There was 200Einsprachen from the population.

all This was an indication of how much political dynamite in this large-scale project in Zurich-Seebach is. How many additional meetings are necessary, until it comes to the next vote, is not yet clear.

Also, city people are happy to live in the countryside

the acceptance of The compacted building in Zurich’s borders – particularly in the outer districts.

Between the railway tracks and Thurgau Strasse, where today, allotment gardens, elderberry bushes, and raspberry bushes dominate, a huge new city district. This is in the spirit of the legislator. The structure plan requires that the population growth of 80 percent in urban environments and not outside on the green Lawn.

But how is densified to Build for the people that already live today in the city of Zurich? This is a question that the private office Zimraum with a research work on the ground. In 2017, were interviewed for that – already for the fourth Time city residents about their expectations of the growing city. The written survey of 800 randomly chosen residents of Zurich took part well. Basically, you have to understand that new housing, especially in the city.

high-rise buildings accepted

However, not all urban residents, diversity and change are as open as the map of your choice inside. Most acceptance enjoys the compacted Build of the tenants, the Central location in the city. They are mostly young and change their place of residence relatively frequently. Home owners are better rooted in their Neighbourhoods and are faced with the urbanization already suspicious. Structural changes to see clearly critical for the residents of Zurich, who live in peripheral locations such as in Höngg, Albisrieden, or even in Zurich-Seebach.

you rap on the distance to the neighbors, to loosely arranged settlements, and the preservation of open spaces. In the study, 42 percent of respondents will be counted to this group of city dwellers. Just under a third of these people feel, without reservation, as a city dweller. Very striking is that the acceptance of high-rise buildings with more than eight storeys is increased in comparison to the last three surveys from the past eight years.

Due to the survey, the study recommends that in the development of the city, no uniform settlement types over the whole city, but to take on the needs of the residents more consideration. It is important however, anywhere the consumer offer, as well as the atmosphere and quality of the stay. People want to feel in your living environment safe. Little less important is, in particular, areas in peripheral housing, such as planned at the Thurgauerstrasse the social mix and the inter-nationality of the inhabitants.

In the case of district developments, such as those on the Thurgauerstrasse is criticized according to the study, most of the new settlements were too bulky and monotonous, and the existing social structures destroyed. Most such projects, if new spaces are enlivened to be praised – even by commercial deals. Mostly well a public access to waters or to a Park with a lot of Green to come. (b)


Created: 04.07.2019, 11:29 PM