In a long interview with Berlingske tells erhvervsmanden Christian Kjær wife, the doctor, Susan, Astani-Kjær, how it has sometimes been difficult for her to find out how to conduct themselves most appropriately as a public person.

Among other things, she says that she often ex post regret when she publicly came to defend her husband.

– sometimes I get said more than I should. The day after I always think, that I should not have said so much, because it will be turned upside down, and so I become nervous afterwards, Susan says Astani-Kj to the newspaper.

One of the specific cases where she regrets that she interfered, in relation to Christian Kjær much-publicized divorce from Jannis Spies.

the Divorce ended with a court case, where Janni required a three-digit million amount from her husband and ended up getting awarded 35 million.

well-Known Christian Kjær on the daughter’s wedding: I don’t know if we are invited,

In connection with the case that was closely followed by the press – was Susan several times quoted in order to defend her husband.

– In connection with his divorce, I came to say some things I should not have said. I should not have mixed myself, says Susan Astani-Kjær, and adds that she over the years begun to get used to, that everything she says and does, are in the public interest.

It has not been possible for the Extra Leaf to get a comment from Susan Astani-Kjær.

Christian and Susan to the U2 concert as VIP guests. Photo: Claus Bonnerup