The Bernese SVP loosens term limits for their elected officials. Quite specifically, the way should be paved so that the national Council Adrian Amstutz , if he wants to, can again stand for re-election.

The Canton of Bern will have at the upcoming national Council elections, one seat fewer. So that the party could defend in this situation, your ninth seat, need you a horse with great voice potential, said old national Council Hansruedi Wandfluh, on Monday evening in front of the delegates in Belp.

He requested that in single-party cases, should be able to obtain a two-thirds majority, the lifting of the term limit.

The delegates discussed the proposal to be controversial: You’ve introduced the term limit at that time, to have no chair glue and to give the young the opportunity to Move up, said a delegate.

another noted that they did not know for a long time, that I could not stop Amstutz and you can build Alternative. “Then we will have in four years,” concluded the delegate.

Standing Ovation for Amstutz

Amstutz has to pray a few days. He resigned during the debate in the walkout and left the room. When he returned to the decision that received you the delegates with a Standing Ovation.

He had prepared for his Retirement. The new output location his plans a bit, “uf e Gring”. He asked for understanding, to be able to still a few days to reflect.

The SVP, for the moment a place on the list for the elections to the national Council for Amstutz. An outstanding second place on the list Nadja Günthör, the wife of the former Swiss ball stössers occupied.

Salzmann for the Council of States

In the Council of States election campaign, the Bernese SVP increases with party President Werner Salzmann. He was nominated by acclamation. The SVP need to have a strong candidacy for the Council of States, said campaign Manager Hansruedi Wandfluh. The SVP strut a undivided civil booth to vote for the Canton of Bern.

Currently, the two Council of States-seats by Hans Stöckli (SP) and Werner Luginbühl (BDP). Stöckli want to compete in the autumn for re-election. Luginbühl, announced last week, the waiver of re-candidacy. The BDP wants to defend the seat of Bern’s Finance Director Beatrice Simon.

For the FDP is likely to be lifted national councillor Christa mark Walder on the shield, for the Greens, Regula Rytz, for GLP national councillor Kathrin Bertschy. For the EPP, Marianne Streiff-Feller.

Clear slogans

The delegates took the slogans of the cantonal votes from the 10. February. The SVP says unanimously, with two abstentions no to the new energy law. To the law on police, the party is unanimously, Yes-Parole. To sprawl initiative on the Federal level, the Bernese SVP clearly says no. (chk/sda)

Created: 15.01.2019, 04:03 PM