The SVP of delegates in Zumikon, in the it actually went to the Council of States elections, began already unconventional. A member of the Parliament Hans-Peter Amrein demanded, directly after the singing of the national anthem, the SVP of Zurich pronounce the Swiss SVP-President Albert Rösti “the gratitude and trust”. Why the criticism of former national councillor Toni Bortoluzzi of the Swiss television of hash Browns was. He found him in his office in question. Bortoluzzi had criticized, the SVP had become “portly”. The result of the vote: hash Browns was unanimously and without abstentions, supported. So a crushing defeat for Bortoluzzi, after all, Vice-President of the Zurich SVP.

most of The nearly 300 delegates were, however, come to the Board of management decided on withdrawal of Roger Köppel from the Council of States election to rubber-stamp, and any support for the unpopular FDP-Council Ruedi Noser. “I can understand, tell, him lazy in the name Ruedi Noser of the Hand,” said Köppel. He recommended all to choose nevertheless, Noser, but to take a shower after you Select, “because you made dirty.” Party President Patrick Walder said: “We need to support Ruedi Noser, not out of love for the FDP, but out of responsibility to the Canton, and to prevent the Green Marionna Switch.”

the national Council Thomas Matt said: “Only Roger Federer would be the Council of States opportunities for the Zurich SVP, otherwise no one, including Roger Köppel. We select Noser prefer a half-Civil than a ultra green.” An interesting variation brought former national councillor Ulrich Schlueer into play: to support Noser only, if the FDP of Bern Christa mark Walder in favour of the SVP candidate Werner Salzmann back.

Blochers power word

Hans-Peter Amrein said: “I choose neither for my own executioners, yet I choose to be a Communist.” Therefore, he would advocate for voting share. Another delegate expressed only sympathy for Marionna Schlatter. “This is at least against the framework agreement, the main concern of the SVP.” Several delegates were in favour of a voting share. “The FDP will not buy,” said one.

Christoph Blocher spoke finally, a word of Power: “we Jump over the own shadow, cases, we are a management decision and we support Ruedi Noser.” The FDP had covered the SVP, although for many years, “verse”, the principle of “as I You, You me” have in the guide but no place to go. “To your eyes, if you vote for, but bear responsibility to our Canton.” Marionna Schlatter was not the harmless fungi collector, and trees umarmerin, but a studied sociologist, whose program it was, the freedom to wander.

truce between the SVP and the FDP

In the run-up to the Assembly of delegates had tried the SVP to blackmail the FDP literally: A Pro-Noser Parole, if the free Democrats and political concessions to make. “We will now lead with the FDP calls and our active support of the candidacy Ruedi Noser will depend on the extent to which us the FDP for the future a better cooperation assures,” said Roger Köppel, according to the SVP Board meeting last Thursday.

FDP-President Hans-Jakob Boesch said after this conversation: “We have exchanged factual and professional manner. The FDP does not make Deals and will not deviate from their positions.” The liberals welcome the request of the SVP-President Patrick Walder, the Council of States elections, to work together constructively, whether it be in property transactions, whether in options . “To this end, we have explored, where the two parties have common positions, for example in the financial policy.”

SVP and the FDP seem to be so at least until the second round to have a truce concluded. Before the elections, the sounded quite different. Because the SVP had defamed the FDP in a systematic way. For example, with the posters of the Egerkinger Committee, which accused the FDP, to protect radical Islamists. Köppel yourself to handle Noser badass, accused him of, he was a positions a hunter, a climate hysteric, because he intercedes for the glaciers initiative, and in connection with the framework agreement, an EU-Turbo.

Schlötterli for Schlatter

About Marionna Schlatter, however, the SVP had lost before the first ballot is hardly a word. Now she referred to Koppel as “the extreme left of the Green, Marxist and Communist”, which had to be prevented.

After the first round of polling on Sunday, only the former SP councillor Daniel Jositsch was able to pop the Cork. The Only one he managed to the absolute majority and was elected in the first start-up with 216 679 votes. Jositschs previous councillor colleague, Mr Ruedi Noser (FDP), missed the absolute majority of 183’919 votes with the achieved 141’700 votes, and must, in the second round. Behind Noser took Köppel third place, then Green Marionna Schlatter followed. With her is already clear that it goes in the second round.

Created: 29.10.2019, 21:48 PM