In a late-night session set up by the Zurich city Parliament yesterday, Wednesday numerous claims, so the older part of the city’s population can live in the future.
Agree with the Council that older people should be better in front of hot summers protected. They suffered greatly under the heat. There were differing opinions of how this protection is to be done. Susanne Brunner (SVP) called for the use of air conditioners in urban care and old age centres. Such, however, would prevent the aim of the 2000-Watt society.
Therefore, it might search for 2000 soon, “Watt refugees”, in air-conditioned homes for the elderly outside the city of protection, said Brunner. The left side of this is hypocritical: The SVP would refuse to do something against climate change. And now you try this, of all things, with energy-guzzling climate to combat systems. On the left of the green speaker found that there was sufficient ecological resources, to mitigate the effects of the heat. Also, it will be in Minergie-houses are not really hot.
The councillor responsible Andreas Hauri (GLP) said that in the urban old-age homes there is a lot made against the heat. The Use of air-conditioning systems is also controversial. Except Green and AL all support the SVP postulate.
WGs for the Old
A measure, which in turn, all parties, except the SVP well, is the cross-age. This is to promote the city. It is important that the Young and the Old lived past each other, ‘ said the postulant Corina Gredig (GLP). Therefore, forms of living, in which different generations were mixed to the Standard. As an example of shared living were called communities.
in Addition, the city should increase the share of apartments for the elderly in General. These, it may be successful on the urban housing market is particularly bad, said Walter Angst (AL).
Further, the Council requested that the city create a specialist centre for age questions. This is to support older people to live as long as possible independently. The questions raised in age, were complex. By contrast, the Bourgeois and the GLP (66 against 46 no.). They fear that such a specialist will need to a lot of new staff.
The Council also wants to improve training in the area of care and support. The city of Zurich is to provide a Teaching system. Such could allow the professionals care for and health a wider entry into the profession. To better respond to absences of nursing staff, should be created a city internal job pool. Only the SVP rejected these ideas.
the city Council, Andreas Hauri (GLP) evaluated all of these claims as appropriate. He and his Department will now consider how they can be implemented. (Tages-Anzeiger)
Created: 31.01.2019, 08:26 PM