another 35 people were on Monday confirmed dead, with Covid-19 in Sweden. It informs Folkhälsomyndigheten in the latest statistics.
This is a total of 4694 persons recorded dead with coronavirusset ago coronakrisens beginning of the year.
Statistics from the Swedish health authorities after the weekend is often marked by the numbers from certain delays in the indrapporteringerne.
Since the eruption’s start, in all 45.133 persons confirmed infected in Sweden. 2191 people have had or get the intensive treatment.
Statsepidemiolog Anders Tegnell said Monday that even if the from the and with the 13. June is allowed to travel freely within Sweden’s borders, so must all endeavour to follow the applicable advice from Folkhälsomyndigheten.
– the Models show quite clearly that if we continue as now, so that over the summer raised in a way that does not involve the more spread of infection, he says.
– But if people do not follow the recommendations of the health authorities, so there may possibly come a new wave of cases, he adds.
In the Swedish regions are made far more tests, and there will therefore be registered several mild cases of Covid-19.
– this means that The number of new cases has increased quite so much, says Tegnell.
And it means that we get several cases in a period of time. But in the long term we get better control of the pandemic in Sweden, says he.
He points out that the number of coronapatienter on intensivafdelingerne is slowly declining.