“Sweden’s export of bribes is not beautiful”
“That a survey shows that Sweden also in the last year was one of the world’s least corrupt countries is not much of a novelty.”
“more Important is the Swedish shortcomings as the investigators point out.”
“the Reputable Transparency international’s annual report on mutkulturen around the world is disheartening reading.”
“Not since 2016 has any country achieved over 90 out of 100 points on the organization’s corruption perceptions index, and the downward trend continues.”
“Two-thirds of the world’s countries fall below 50 points. At the bottom of the bottom will not be found surprising countries where not much works, including Syria and Somalia, but also in stable countries is falling.”
“For the first time, for example the united states outside the top 20 list.nVärlden suffering with other words, a substantial inability to do anything about corruption. It is extraordinarily serious. Corruption is the single greatest threat to development.”
“it makes It more difficult the reduction of poverty, undermines democracy and is holding back economic growth and investment.”
“the Best in the world is Denmark with 87 points. Sweden shares third place with Finland, Singapore and Switzerland.”
“There is a rapture. Sweden dropped four points in the last examination, ended up sixth and recovered to a score.”
“Thus, the time for champagne, fanfare and confetti? Hardly. The case was due to korruptionshärvor in, for example, the State property board, the Swedish transport administration and the Swedish transport agency.”
“To some new scandal in any other authority has not occurred in 2018 is probably more a coincidence than moral rapture has taken place.”
“Common for the countries that are in the top is the high economic standard and such that the characteristic of a well-developed democracy, that is to say, a well-functioning rule of law and independent, strong institutions.”
“But the investigators point out that the index does not cover what they call the export of corruption. Rich countries have not infrequently multiinternationella companies that export large quantities of goods and services and that at times leave the morals at home.”
“the Report mentions, inter alia, Telia’s adventure in the republic of Uzbekistan and the millions under the table to a popsjungande diktatorsdotter, which ended with telecom, was forced to pay fines in the US at the equivalent of sek 7.7 billion.”
“Telia is now not the only Swedish company that has stuck with your fingers in the far labels. To contribute in this way to maintain mutkulturer in countries that have not had a Swedish tour with the natural resources and the absence of war is not beautiful.”
“Beyond the scandals on the national level and the directors-general who are forced to go exist, moreover, in Sweden a local corruption. Questionable kompistillsättningar in municipalities, local procurements, which are not always withstand closer scrutiny and permits that are awarded on tvekamma grounds.”
“in Conclusion, in Order to be a country which, according to the systemkollapsmånglarna is in moral ruin seems to Sweden feel ridiculously good. But it does not mean that everything is wonderful. For it is indeed not.”