“Sweden’s reputation holds its own”

“the Image of Sweden abroad is still positive – in spite of everything. But it is not our relative gender equality, or our commitment to the environment that beckons to the call of our country.”

“Despite recurring negative reporting about Sweden abroad, not least on issues relating to immigration and integration, is the image of Sweden abroad is still positive. If anything, the bright picture has been reinforced in the past.”

“It acknowledges the Swedish institute in a new report.”

“– So far as we can see, this negative reporting has not changed the picture of Sweden among the public. Where is the still predominantly positive, ” says Jacob Stenberg, analyst at the Swedish institute.”

“the Swedish institute is a government agency whose mission is to increase the trust and interest for Sweden. Therefore, the implementing authority regular surveys, in an attempt to identify how the image of Sweden abroad is changing over time.”

“One way is to examine the number of published articles and other posts about Sweden on digital platforms, and see if – and how often – these are shared with others.”

“During the last year, there were two news events that stuck out on the main platforms. It was partly the Swedish artist Aviciis death, and the eight-year-old girl saga’s discovery of an unusually well-preserved sword from the iron age in the lake Vidöstern. These news events has resulted in 715 467 splits from Billboard, respectively 356 595 from the BBC. Swedish House Mafias reunion in Miami also received a lot of attention. The Swedish elections, however, attracted almost no fuss at all.”

” Policy is generally not a big topic of discussion. It was reported on the Swedish general election in the mainstream media, however, the involvement of social media was limited. Sweden’s mediation in Jemenkonflikten, however, gained a lot of attention on the arab platforms, ” says Jacob Stenberg.”

“to get a more comprehensive picture follows the Swedish institute also a number of indexes where the different countries’ development ranks in various fields, such as equality, democracy, happiness, and education. In all 22 index ranked Sweden in the top ten in the last year. In half improved Sweden’s position, compared with 2017, while we lost in two (digital competitiveness and innovation).”

“all in all, writes the Swedish institute, is the image of Sweden abroad stable positive. In particular, many people associate Sweden with themes such as the Swedish welfare state, nature and the environment, a modern and well-functioning country, as well as sustainability issues.”

“In this year’s report, the authority has looked at the Netherlands and their image of our country. It turns out that a clear majority, 58 percent, of those polled have a ”

“In 2018, Sweden got 40 million mentions on English-language digital platforms, to compare with the arab and Russian-speaking, where the number of mentions was of 1.39, respectively 1,668 million. The number of Spanish-speaking was 4.3 million.”

“The digital call on Sweden to 2018 revolved to a large extent on the sporting events, the fifa and hockey world CUP. Culture and entertainment, received more space than in the previous year, which can largely be explained by Aviciis death, Swedish House Mafias reunion and the Eurovision Song Contest.”

“the Subject policies did not get much attention, in addition to Sweden’s mediation in Jemenkonflikten, which was on the front of all arab platforms.”

“Discussions about crime fell in all languages.”

“Source: the Swedish institute”