Jihad travellers from Switzerland must be made before the court, where they have committed the Offence. The will of the Federal Council. He has set out on Friday his strategy in dealing with terrorist travelers.

Minister of justice, Karin Keller-Sutter was voted in February. You would prefer it if the Jihad travellers would be assessed on the spot, she said to the Western Swiss Radio RTS. This corresponds to the attitude of the Federal Council.

Ultimate goal: safety and security

the ultimate goal is the security of Switzerland and the protection of their population, the government writes. Switzerland meet, therefore, all the operational measures that were available to it, in order to prevent uncontrolled entry.

in Particular, the affected persons in the Schengen information system for the concealed stay of investigation or the arrest will be put out to tender. Among the other instruments and the intelligence information exchange with foreign authorities, to the police.

active Return

Returns a Jihad-a traveller in Switzerland, he is refused entry. The Swiss authorities not to seek, but in adults to a Return. For minors, an active Feedback can be considered, such as the Federal Council writes. In this case, the child was probably decisive.

The second objective of the Federal Council: Jihad travellers with Swiss nationality should not remain unpunished. The law enforcement and the enforcement of any penalties in the state in accordance with international Standards, will be sought, it is stated in the message. Switzerland could support the creation of an international special court and the prison in front of the place with appropriate means.

responsibility for law enforcement

the law enforcement in the scene of the crime the state Is not possible, have a responsibility to prosecute their nationals prosecuted, the Federal Council. This, as soon as they were back in Switzerland or in a state with which Switzerland could work together in legal aid.

For Jihad travellers returning to Switzerland, should be taken in addition, measures for the Reintegration of before, during and after the drug dealer can serve a penalty. Such measures are provided for in a plan of action to radicalisation and extremism.


Today, around 20 suspected Jihad are still traveling with a Swiss passport in the Syrian-Iraqi conflict zone. There they would be held partly by non-state actors, writes the Federal Council. It’s the risk that you will come uncontrollably.

on Friday, The adopted strategy should be used by the authorities as a Basis for the treatment of individual cases. The responsibilities of the various Agencies of the Federal government and the cantons, nothing will change.

Trump calls for withdrawal

discussions about the return and the prosecution of Jihad travelers, a number of other States. US President, Donald Trump had brought the issue on the Table.

in view of the imminent defeat of the terrorist militia Islamic state in Syria, he had called on the European allies, hundreds of prisoners IS fighters to withdraw. Otherwise, the USA would be forced to put the fighters walk free, he tweeted in February.

From the, since 2001, by the Federal intelligence service (NDB) captured 93 of the Jihad travellers from Switzerland had issued 78 to Syria and Iraq. A total of 33 persons died in 27 cases this was confirmed. 16, of which 13 are confirmed to have returned to Switzerland. (Dec/sda)

Created: 08.03.2019, 15:15 PM