On Thursday, the shares broke quotes on the stock exchanges in the world literally. Trigger was the arrest of the chief financial officer of the Chinese network equipment manufacturer Huawei . Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei, must apparently expect a delivery in the USA. For Friday, a hearing will be scheduled, whether the Manager could be set for a Deposit on free foot, according to the canadian Ministry of justice.

Meng Wanzhou is on 1. December has been taken in Vancouver, it was called. A report in the newspaper “The Globe and Mail”, according to you is the charges against sanctions failed, which were imposed by the USA against Iran. The U.S. justice Department did not want to comment.

stock markets react violently

The sell-off in the equity markets had accelerated in the course of a day, with the growing Concerns about the Trade dispute. On the Swiss stock exchange, the Leitbarometer SMI slipped to the beginning of the mark of 8’900 points, and values of resistance broke out in the sequence 8’800 8’700 points without a call. At the end of the SMI lost 3.1 percent to 8’660 points. This was for the Index of the largest daily loss in nearly two and a half years. At the end of June 2016, the Brexit had led Referendum to a crash.

The financial stocks are the biggest losers. The CS-share, losing almost five percent. Investors fear a setback for the fragile relations between the United States and China. “We have seen a loss of investor confidence,” said George Alevrofas, chief Investment officer of the Zurich-based asset Manager of VT Wealth Management. “You fear that the trade could fail talks between the United States and China.”

The SMI over the course of weeks – and the crash on Thursday. (6. December 2018) image: Screenshot of the “Finance and economy”

Cold feet, the investors also received other trading venues: The Euro STOXX 50 as the leading index of the Euro zone, with a Minus of 3.3 percent from the trade, the British FTSE 100 lost 3.2 percent and the German DAX index of leading shares fell by a significant 3.5 percent to a 10’811 meter. With a Minus of 16 percent since the beginning of the year, a deep red stock 2018 threatens the DAX now.


Huawei, the arrest was confirmed in a Statement. The group but I only get a few information about what is going to be accused of a Manager, and no misconduct was known. Huawei think with all laws and regulations, including export controls and sanctions of the United Nations, as well as the USA and the EU, it was said. Huawei, Meng was arrested, as they wanted to change to a canadian airport.

The Chinese Embassy in Canada protested also on Wednesday (local time) against Meng’s arrest and spoke of a human rights violation. The Manager must be released immediately. You have to comply with canadian Asyabahis against U.S. law, it said.

“New escalation”

The arrest added hopes for a relaxation in the trade war between the US and China strike a blow. US President, Donald Trump and China’s President Xi Jinping agreed at the G-20 summit in Buenos Aires for this reason, no additional duties after the 1. To rise in January, and the negotiations continue. “Beijing is likely to angry to respond to this recent arrest of a Chinese citizen in a third country, because he is in breach of the US law,” wrote the analysts of the risk consultancy Eurasia Group, according to the U.S. channel CNBC.

“The arrest and extradition to the US request-government represents a new level of escalation in a series of US efforts to draw Chinese companies for violations of U.S. law to the responsibility, some of which go back for years to come,” said the Eurasia group. “US police officers seem to have the green light from senior government officials to track individuals, which the United States would not be perhaps addressed in a friendly, bilateral political climate.”

The White house later confirmed that a threatened increase in the previous penalty was to be suspended customs duties in the amount of 10 percent to 25 percent for 90 days. Also, China’s Minister Wang Yi on the outside stated it was agreed to stop the imposition of additional special duties on imports.

The United States to determine according to insiders since at least 2016 against Huawei because of the violation of export and sanction laws. It is alleged that Huawei is supposed to have supplied products from the USA to Iran. According to the “New York Times” it is also a violation of the sanctions against North Korea.

Huawei is one of the world’s largest provider of telecommunications equipment and services in the area. The Chinese company has overtaken this year’s Apple as the two biggest Smartphone manufacturers. The market leader Samsung, the company is on the heels.

spying allegations

In the U.S., Huawei is largely excluded from the delivery to government Agencies and their contractors. Washington Huawei sees as a threat to cyber security. Trump had made in the trade war also previously sentiment against the Chinese Telecom equipment supplier. Accordingly, representatives of the Administration, Trump informed at the highest political and economic level, the Western partners about its concerns for national security, should not use these products, and network components from Huawei, wrote the “Wall Street Journal”. The accusation was spying through the back door.

I have Heard that the United States should so far, Germany, Italy and Japan have informed. Trumps top officials to have financial compensation offered if the allies forgo Huawei equipment.

Sunrise holds to Huawei

in this Country has left Huawei ten years ago. In the meantime, the company has approximately 300 employees. Swisscom, the company provides components, in order to speed up the Internet on the traditional copper wires. Latest prestige project, the new 5G mobile network, will build Huawei for Sunrise.

Sunrise holds to the Chinese Partner. “We have no plans to change the technology supplier,” said company spokeswoman Therese Wenger last of this newspaper. In the course of operations in the United States, there were political Decisions. “We see no reason that the Swiss authorities should come to the same assessments.”

According to the Sunrise-spokesperson of the experience gained from the largest data Klaus in Switzerland and abroad showed that such leaks were not a question of the technology supplier, but the criminal energy of the perpetrators. (cfr/chk/fal/sda/afp)

Created: 06.12.2018, 18:21 PM