Ostensibly, Switzerland and Kazakhstan celebrate a countries ‘ friendship. Yesterday it became known that the Federal President Ueli Maurer breaks this week to a big tour in the East. On Thursday he will be received by Russian President Vladimir Putin; on Friday, he traveled to Kassym-Schomart Tokaev, has served since March as the head of state of Kazakhstan. It is “the further deepening of bilateral relations,” announces the media in place of Maurer. Its Mission: “a more intensive economic exchange”.

Behind the Scenes, the relationship between Kazakhstan and Switzerland is clearly inharmonic. Just now, days before Maurer’s visit, the Swiss justice to their Kazakh colleagues, the Red map: The 12. November, the Geneva public Prosecutor’s office discontinued the criminal proceedings against the in Geneva, living in exile, Kazakhs Victor Chrapunow after seven years of investigation inconclusive.

Kazakh methods

The Person of Viktor Chrapunow the Kazakh authorities, interested more than anything in Switzerland. The now 70-Year-old was a former Minister and mayor of the city of Almaty. In 2007, he became estranged but with the Regime and fled with his family in Switzerland.

Since then, Kazakhstan is going on on all fronts against Chrapunow – with official and unofficial methods. In 2012, requested that Kazakhstan, the Switzerland for legal assistance; shortly thereafter, the Geneva Prosecutor’s office opened a criminal case on suspicion of money laundering. But the Kazakhs were not content with the ordinary courts. In order to obtain information about Chrapunow, hired an obscure private secret service.

in Order to obtain information about Chrapunow, hired the Kazakhs a private secret service. to put

the Swiss justice authorities, under political pressure, committed, you lobbyists, such as Ex-Ambassador Thomas Borer, and the Agency Burson-Marsteller. This convinced the national councils, Christa Markwalder (FDP) and Christian Miesch (SVP), to be submitted to Parliament motions Chrapunow. As these maneuvers in 2015, to fly about, witnessed, Switzerland under the slogan “Kazakhstan-affair” is an intense debate about Lobbying in the Federal house.

sentenced To 17 years

the case in question actually was, for a time in the Background. Specifically, Kazakhstan Viktor Chrapunow and his Ex-wife Leila have high amounts of millions of euros embezzled. In October 2018, Kazakhstan has sentenced Viktor and Leila Chrapunow in absentia to 17 and 14 years in prison, and their assets in Kazakhstan seized – even those of family members. The Chrapunows present themselves as victims of a political persecution.

The Federal office of justice (BJ) is Kazakhstan’s run-up. As it is only now that it is known, pointed to the office at 9. October 2018, all of the letters rogatory against Chrapunow. The conditions for legal aid are not given to””, the BJ short.

Viktor Chrapunow with his Ex-wife Leila. Photo: PD

More insight into the background of this decision, the Geneva public Prosecutor’s office now allows – and this insight is politically explosive. In its Ruling, the competent Prosecutor mentioned how the Federal government justified the refusal of legal aid – namely, with article 2 of the law on legal assistance. Of this article 2 precludes States from legal aid, which the European people violate the Convention on the rights of or justice need to keep track of people politically.

In clear text: The Federal government holds the judiciary in the country, with the Federal President this week, the collaboration will deepen, at least in the case Chrapunow for not to be trustworthy.

The Federal government holds the judiciary in Kazakhstan for not to be trustworthy.

From the available to the Prosecutor, the detailed allegations in Kazakhstan to emerge. Accordingly, the country argues that Chrapunow have sold as mayor, at the time, his wife Leila, who was as a business woman active, urban land for low prices. Then his wife had sold the parcels to a much higher sums of money more, dozens of millions of francs in Switzerland is managed and washed.

This lawsuit, the state attorney rejects now. In one case, the censured real estate were Statute-barred-Deals anyway. And in the remaining cases, the typical elements of the offence of money laundering were not fulfilled””. Moreover, it had not been proved “” that the (for the offence of money laundering decisive) criminal predicate Offences in Kazakhstan at all.

in Spite of this finding, the Prosecutor accuses the Chrapunows at the same time, they have provoked the criminal “behaviour” itself. As a single-source document for a self-fault of the Chrapunows the Prosecutor quoted the Kazakh court judgment of October 2018. For this reason, the state attorney rejects it, the Chrapunows for the seven-year-old star compensation fverfahren award.

3 million in compensation

the case Chrapunow is now definitely a case to the Swiss courts. Because in spite of process setting, the Chrapunows want to take recourse against the ruling. It was “unacceptable that the public Prosecutor’s office of the court judgment, the us has imposed on the Kazakh dictatorship, the slightest have no value at all,” the Chrapunows in a written opinion. All the while calling on the Federal office of justice, which Kazakhstan is no legal aid giving, “because they all know that it is a rogue state”.

Total request Chrapunows from the Swiss state for the seven years of criminal proceedings, a compensation of over 3 million Swiss francs. Victor and Leila Chrapunow call 728’000 Swiss francs for their legal costs. Your son Ilyas requires 260’000 Swiss francs, plus 2.3 million for the economic damage he had suffered. If the Kazakh side will contest the ruling, is open. “No comment,” says her law of Geneva representatives. The Embassy in Bern had no comment.

explains, However, the BJ, the end of October, Kazakhstan had submitted a new request for judicial assistance in the case of Chrapunow. The Kazakhstan affair is not yet at an end. And Ueli Maurer will have to on Friday in Kazakhstan on questions prepared.

Created: 19.11.2019, 22:47 PM