An analysis of the 19J election day revealed some interesting facts about the struggles of the two major parties, PSOE, and PP to gain ground within the province. Three municipalities were painted in the same colors when they tied at the polls. Montizon is an example of this. Both the PP (and the PSOE) received 399 ballots. The Socialists lost 123 votes, while the “popular” won 67.

Torres de Albanchez is another example of the same phenomenon, with 185 votes, while Espadas lose 29. Beas de Segura has 840 votes, but it is the PSOE who loses in the distribution.

On Sunday’s electoral night, blue was declared and it is clear that the PSOE has lost its historical hegemony, Jaen, which was one of its historic strongholds. Although the red won 95 of the 97 municipalities in 2018, 19J’s results are far less than that of 2018. However, some squares still have a red wall.