Residents in the upper part of the Bestseller group’s future high-rise Fires and must not only expect a large-scale view.

They may end up having to spend a good portion of the time staring out in a heavy cloud cover outside of the panoramic views.

this Bestseller has previously stated that the high-rise must be about 320 metres high.

In the altitudes is not the least in the autumn and winter months are often the low hanging clouds.

Measurements from the DMI shows – as a quick example – that the so-called skybase (the lower part of the clouds red.) Wednesday and Thursday of this week has been hovering between 250 and 300 meters altitude.

This means that residents in the upper 70 metres of the Bestseller group ‘Tågetårn’ would only have had views of a white porridge, a large part of the time. Conversely, many of the residents further down towards the ground have had a much better view because there is no clouds are here.

– There is no doubt that in the winter, visibility is often better down at the ground than up in the 300 meters. It says, incidentally, also themselves, that the longer one comes up, the closer you will come on the clouds, say flyvemeteorolog at DMI Finn Balling to Ekstra Bladet.

Residents in the upper part of the ‘Tågetårnet’ get unquestionably the best view, when the weather is nice. But the weather in the top of the high-rise building will generally be characterized by several low-hanging clouds than down at the ground – or just halfway up in the building. Illustration: Bestseller

According to the flyvemeteorologen, it is typically in the weather with haze and småregn that the low-hanging clouds will come to affect the view at the top of the tower.

Brande is close to the jutland ridge. And here hangs the clouds are often lower than other places in Jutland.

– the Clouds are typically 30-50 m lower in Nsw, tells Finn Balling.

Flyvemeteorologen stresses that there is no statistic material concerning the cloud base exactly where the best seller is planning to construct the ‘Tågetårnet.’

– I can only say that there often is a low cloud cover in the area. But it is impossible for me to conclude whether it is one or four times a week, says Finn Balling.

Msc.scient. at DMI, Ellen Vaarby Laursen has been to prepare a major report on the visibility around a number of Danish airports, including the airport in Billund.

the Airport is located about 30 kilometers from the Fires. Therefore DMI’s statistics from Billund Airport can provide a good indication of the meteorological conditions in the Fires.

We measured the weather conditions at Billund in the period 2003 to 2012. The statistical calculations are a little complicated. But in somewhat simplified terms, one can conclude that in the area on an annual basis in 20 percent of the hours of the day was one or more times with a cloud cover less than 300 metres.

because of the method of calculation, however, we cannot say how long the individual cloud cover consisted. It can fluctuate greatly due to weather conditions, tells Ellen Vaarby Laursen.

the Measurements showed – not surprisingly – that there are most low-lying clouds in the winter months. Here there were in 34 percent of the hours of the day one or more times with a cloud cover below 300 m altitude.

the best-selling boss Anders Holch Povlsen is ready to post an unknown amount of money in the large-scale project in the Fires, which in the literal sense, being hailed to the skies. Archivo foto: Jan Sommer

Quite different, however, in the summer, where there in only 8.5 percent of the hours of the day one or more times with a cloud cover below 300 m altitude.

the Measurements in the DMI report also shows that in 160 meters height is not nearly as many clouds as higher up. The risk of being shrouded in a cloud cover is here – in round numbers – more than halved in comparison to the that reside in the 320 meters height.

– from a purely meteorological point of view, one can expect that the residents who live in the top of the tower, will be hit by several times, where they can’t see out the windows because of the clouds compared to those living further down in the building, says Ellen Vaarby Laursen to Ekstra Bladet.

According to the Bestseller, it may take several years before the first sod is being taken.

Ekstra Bladet has tried in vain to get a comment from the architect behind the large-scale construction project. But the architect Dorte Mandrup does not want to comment.

the Company refers to Bestseller.

In Bestseller illuminates a friendly a telephone operator, that the project manager Anders Krogh does not have the time to be interviewing about the case.

– But you are welcome to send an email, reads it.

During the long phase forward to the local plan for ‘Bestseller Tower & Village’ the other day was approved politically, Bestseller has been completely silent in relation to the press.

for TV-MidtVest, Anders Krogh, however, stated:

– We are honest about the fact that we are out to try to create something extraordinary. Although this project can be accused of having a small hint of madness, so the project gives meaning for us.