Sena Nowarra wondered about what she experienced as an Intern in the Psychiatric University hospital Zurich and Balgrist: The individual professional groups worked largely for themselves. “In psychiatry, there was only once a week a team meeting,” says the student at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, the ergo intends to be a therapist. “And in the orthopaedic clinic, an exchange took place only with the Physios.”
Something else entirely experienced Nowarra, after they had applied for a special project at the Zurich University hospital: a training station, to the students from different Professions together is a Department of the neurological clinic and patients and patients after a stroke or with Parkinson’s disease to independently take care of. The pilot project took place in 2018, twice during a month. It is the practice test for a training model that could change the health care system.
Small section
The magic word is inter-professionalism, and cooperation among the various professional people. To promote this, together with the medical faculty of the University of Zurich, the Department of health of the ZHAW and the two schools for the health professions Careum and ZAG. According to the model of the Karolinska Unispitals in Stockholm, they developed the concept for the inter-professional Training ward. With the occupational therapist Nowarra in the use of a budding physical therapist, four nursing students and two medical students. The Team was responsible for six patients. The day began with a meeting: How is patient A after the first night in the hospital? What is the treatment, Patient B needs?
Then the young people went to the patient room. “We solved problems together and were able to learn from each other,” says Nowarra. You saw, for example, that the physician, like the ergo, make the therapists with the patients cognitive Tests, but in-depth evaluate. Every day, the Team was devoted to a special topic. For example, the question, what is the meaning of independence for the Ergo’s, Physio’s or the care. “There are differences”, Nowarra, “such reflections extend to the horizon.”
model Sweden
Nada Vukasinovic’s professional make-up artist care in the neuro clinic, and has accompanied the Team. You have little need to intervene, she says, “the students were so good and took responsibility”. Also, the patients have expressed positive. Vukasinovic regrets that she cannot continue working with such a mixed student groups: “I miss you.” Maybe it’s just a matter of time. At Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, in any case, all students go almost on inter-professional stations. However, it has started there many years ago. In addition to Sweden, there is the concept in some German University hospitals.
In Switzerland we want to develop it now, after the successful pilot phase. According to Claudia Witt, Vice Dean, faculty of inter-professionalism at the University of Zurich, is the definitive Start in October. Then two stations in the University hospital, Internal medicine and traumatology, to participate as well as a Station in Balgrist. Further, the project team is in the conversation, says Witt.
a precondition is that the departments have a space where students come together and exchange ideas. In the Unispital this is because of the construction activity is not always easy. But it can also join other hospitals. For Claudia Witt, the advantage is evident: “If you start early with the team work, it is a matter of course.” The practice test had shown that the members of the various professional groups to exchange eye-to-eye.
patients relieved
And yet something was for the Stakeholders to be positive: There is less bureaucracy. Usually each of the professional writing group, what are you doing with a patient, a patient, and the other should read these reports. In the new model, however, where all talk together, everyone is informed. “It’s a lot easier,” professional make-up artist Vukasinovic. “And the patients are also facilitated,” adds Sena Nowarra, “because you don’t have to tell everyone the same thing.”
Created: 21.03.2019, 22:51 PM