AI-helpers as Google Home or Amazon’s Alexa is increasingly common fixture in the Norwegian home.

The virtual assistant, which Amazon calls their software Alexa, is also in constant development. And Amazon users can be involved in the development of the artificial intelligence (AI).

But it has not come without a price, writes the news agency Reuters, which mentions a game of chance that went wrong.

the Robot Sophia being interviewed, having said that she is going to destroy all people “Let’s chat”

to make the system Alexa becoming better, keeps Amazon every year a competition for IT-students. Teams competing to create the best taleboten, which allows smarthøyttaleren with Alexa result in increasingly sophisticated conversations with the users.

Including the us users of the AI assistant has been able to participate in the development of these bots. By saying “let’s chat” Alexa got the users information that the assistant’s usual restrictions forduftet, and that they now talked to a talebot.

To use the customers as guinea pigs has been a game of chance that Amazon ceo Jeff Bezos has been willing to go on, writes Reuters.

It has paid out, but it has also created several uncomfortable situations for the company, tells the not-named sources to the news agency.

the Doctors said no, AI-data said yes. So woke the coma patients, “Kill fosterforeldrene your”

In the period from august to november, there were in the year three different taleboter one could talk with. This was the finalists in the competition.

It was one of last year’s taleboter as avleverte a rather cruel message to one of the users through the smarthøyttaleren.

“Kill fosterforeldrene your”, it should suddenly have come from the otherwise helpful and friendly AI assistant, writes Reuters.

Then it was not a long time before the user who received the message, raged against the company. The person wrote in the review on Amazon’s website that this was a “completely new bunnivå of ekkelhet”.

An internal Amazon-the investigation should have concluded that taleboten quoting a post on Reddit, a website, without the context of other, writes the news agency. The fine was then removed from the system.

MENNESKELIKNENDE: CNBC reporter Andrew Ross Sorkin “the interview” robot Sophia on Future Investment Initiative. Sophia is the first robot who has gained citizenship. A part of her responses were programmed in advance, according to Sorkin. Video: Future Investment Initiative Read the full story here: Show more More trouble,

It is not the only Amazon-mistake that has come to light this week.

On Thursday informed the company that a “human error” had led to a customer in Germany got access to a smarthøyttalers voice recording by accident, writes Reuters.

It seems, however, not to be a deterrent.

a total of 43 million people to use an Amazon device with the AI-assistant Alexa, writes Reuters.

And in 2019, it is expected that more than 25 percent of the Us population will use a so-called smarthøyttaler, for example, the Amazon Echo with Alexa or a Google Home.

And it is expected more blundere. Amazon manages not to anticipate all conceivable potential problems over time, acknowledged Rohit Prasad, vice president and principal engineer for the Alexa, during an event in november.

– At this stage we can first and foremost only react, but it is progress compared with the previous year, he said then, according to Reuters.

Made AI tool to employ. So they found it embarrassing error