The three days of extended trade went talks between the United States and China are in Beijing. Concrete results were not yet known, but the financial markets responded with optimism.

After three days, the United States and China have ended the talks on a cessation of your trade conflict. Specific details about the course were not initially known. “If there are good results, it would not only be good for China and the United States. It is also good news for the world economy”, said Chinese foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang, only in front of journalists.

Both sides had to actually want to negotiate only two days, but then surprisingly decided that the talks on a third day to extend. The day before, had already proclaimed US President Donald Trump, the negotiations were going “very well”. The financial markets reacted positively to the progress of the talks. The Asian stock markets recorded gains, as the extension of the talks was announced.

deadline is on 1. March from

The American side complain mostly of lack of market access, forced technology transfer, and product piracy in China. The US had imposed so massive punitive tariffs, China with countermeasures answered.

At a Meeting on 1. December had agreed Trump and China’s state and party chief Xi Jinping on further talks and a 90 – day “truce”. This deadline expires on 1. March. There is no agreement, the threat of escalation of the conflict.

trade talks in China ended, hope remains
Axel Dorloff, ARD, Beijing
09.01.2019 11:54 PM

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