Now the debate starts: Anything is possible, after the SPD has voted on its party Congress on Saturday for an “open” examination of variations to combat the shortage of Teachers. Some are disappointed, the other relieved or cautious. Some came forward on Sunday to the word.

tension had been expected, as the Initiative of teachers would behave, had announced their departure from Berlin, if Berlin returns to the establishment, with Almost 850 educators had signed the appropriate Declaration of intent. And now?

The initiators Katharina Legnowska, Alina Fröhlich, Maren Peters-Choi informed on enquiry that they were “disappointed that the majority of the delegates was of the opinion that there is still plenty of time for a test”. Now going to show, “how great is the patience of the teachers in Berlin, one goes to the next school year, the other already has a place in Brandenburg and implements the threat immediately.”

the SPD Holds open a door?

As reported, had been rejected by the SPD-party Congress after a long debate a motion that called for and a return to the establishment. However, the possibility was opened then yet, because the delegates voted for a motion, of showing a middle ground.

daily mirror people

for Free order

There it is asked: “The Senate and the members of the group will, in the course of the calendar year of 2019 to work out the different ways to implement the above goals and to each other with an open mind. The prospects of success within the tariff community of German countries and want to rush a non-tariff Fees for the Berlin teachers, a re-introduction of the studies or other approaches to be weighed against each other“. The lead in this application was the education policy of the SPD-group spokeswoman Maja Lasic, who had previously campaigned openly for a return to the establishment.

“teacher establishment in Berlin – the SPD holds a door open,” was the title of the officials of the Federal his opinion on Sunday. Further, it was said that he was going to observe the process and continue to “the power of this application” to convince the decision-makers in the Land of Berlin with regard to the re-establishment.

balancing of the biggest drawbacks required

by Contrast, the education-policy spokeswoman for the Left party, Regina Kittler, the SPD was reminded via Twitter that the coalition partners-the Left and the greens had already made it to 2018, a number of proposals, such as Berlin, even without the establishment of “the teachers shortage is acute, and is structurally the opposite could occur”. These proposals should now be finally implemented.

Several teachers, including the Initiative “Berlin!”, point for a long time that you request a compensation of the major disadvantages of the employees towards the civil servants. The better old-age care, and the full continued payment of wages in case of illness. WT-representatives insist, however, that the pension of the employees as a result of higher salaries and as a result of the benefits from the supplementary pension in the public service were not far of the benefits of the civil servants ‘ pensions. The advantages of the full salary continuation payments could be simulated with a daily sickness allowance insurance. Such proposals and conflicting bills must now be on the table.

The Association of independent schools, invited to the “unimaginative, unfair, and little sustainable demand for the establishment of an official,” and to decide for others, “also cost-intensive, but may in the long term, more effective and more equitable investment,” such as a reduction in teacher working hours.

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in dispute in the Berlin coalition, which speaks for the appointment of teachers, what about it?

Susanne Vieth-Entus

The neukölln SPD Bundestag Deputy Fritz Felgentreu voted via Twitter for the construction of teacher housing.