The Berlin-based teacher training programme is bursting at the seams. “In a math exercise for primary school teachers should actually be 20 to 25 people. But there are 58,” said an undergraduate Student of the Humboldt University (HU) on Thursday evening at the “Hearing teachers education” at the FU. Other students reported small rooms and lack of chairs. Places at schools are not sufficient for the internships, which the study delay. There have been several delays, because the examination offices are overloaded, such as Daniela Caspari, Deputy Director of the Dahlem School of Education, FU said.
“opportunities and challenges” in the Expansion of the Berlin-based teacher education, it should go in the event of Steffen noise, state Secretary for science (SPD), all Interested parties had been invited. In front of about 70 Participants, no chances, however, were visible. It was dominated by the problems arising from the high pace of the Senate in the construction of places. Objective of a doubling to 2000 graduates per year. Grew up to be only be overcome “by a tremendous effort,” said Hauke Heekeren, FU Vice President for studies and teaching: “In 2014 we had 89 courses for elementary education in the first Semester. There are now 385.“

“We are not well prepared”

Although the country has provided € 70 million for more staff. Beate Lütke, Deputy Director of the Professional School of Education, HU said, however, while the number of professorships have now doubled, quadrupled the number of students. The space problems are not suddenly solved: The for the FU-planned educational seminar building next to the rust bucket is likely to be 2022 and the seminar rooms and sports facilities for student teachers in Adlershof in the year 2021.
Clearly, that not only the study conditions approximated to those in the eighties and nineties, as yet, no Numerus clausus, the number of prospective students to attend. Also to the dissatisfaction with the Practice of studying has changed, despite the large study of reform in the year 2014. “We are not well prepared to our Profession,” said Claudius Baumann, a member of the student Initiative of chalk dust under a round of applause. Several times it was said that the study shrink from, to aspire to be a teacher.
has been with the great Reform, a practical semester is introduced. However, students criticized, since it is not going to prepared at the University and in the semester holidays start, it took weeks for you to receive with the semester start at all educational tasks for their time in the school. And since the internship was only intended for the third Semester in the Master, colliding it with the master’s thesis. By the way, to get a job is because of the load difficult.
Secretary of state of noise promised to examine all the points of criticism together with the school administration. It is “under difficult conditions, the best available”.