the Board also believes that the teacher’s conduct demonstrated that he is less suitable to carry out teaching.

the Incident occurred in the autumn of 2017, in a school in northern Stockholm county. During a lesson in christianity spoke to the teacher, Jesus, and asked what the student would do if someone hit him. The student replied that he did not know, and then the teacher came up to him and slapped him on one cheek. The student was shocked and took offense at, according to the Inspectorate, he stated that he took it ”sensitive”. When the teacher a few moments later, slapped the other cheek began to the student to cry.

have indicated that the student had been crying, so he rocked on the evening. He had been both sad and shocked.

Read more: Teacher hit student – referenced to the messages of Jesus

the School made a police report because the teacher had used physical violence against the student. The preliminary investigation was closed down when the hearings had not been held with the student. After the incident, was dismissed the teacher. The school principal indicates in the notification that students shall be treated with respect for their person and to the teacher in certain situations has shown that he has not done it.

the Teacher himself has said that the high workload and that he was very stressed out resulted in that he could not be sufficiently professional.

intent to harm the student. He would make a pedagogical point that went wrong when he improvised and was ill-prepared. He would show Jesus ‘ message of ”turn the other cheek”. He showed this on a student, first put he light his hand on the student’s cheek, the second time it became harder then he misjudged the distance. He saw that the student was sorry and he took the student aside and apologized.

the School principal said that the teacher did not have problems with workload at, for example, performance reviews.

the Principal would also like to point out that the workload or time-consuming students should never lead to a teacher violates a student physically or verbally in the manner that has occurred.