“Ten push-ups” says something about your heart”
“Do so many fast pushups you drop and then continue to read this article with the throbbing pulse.”
“There is a correlation between the ability to do the classic styrkeövningen and the risk of future heart disease, according to a study.”
“A small disclaimer might be in place. The study carried out by researchers at Harvard Medical School in the united states have only investigated male firefighters in the state of Indiana, and it is not safe to push-ups, in itself, can protect against heart disease.”
“But the result suggests that the ability to push your upper body up from the floor can be a simple self-test to detect future problems with the body that pumps blood around in the body. It may be a better indicator than the body’s maximum oxygen uptake, according to the study.”
“Researchers have examined data from the regular health checks of the over 1,100 firefighters, in which it, inter alia, was to do push-ups to a taktmätare that was set at 80 beats per minute. The test was interrupted when the firemen could not manage to any longer or not able to keep the relatively high pace.”
“Then followed the firemen during a ten year period to see how many of them affected by heart problems such as coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure or cardiac arrest. The prevalence of heart disease was highest in the group who had not managed to do ten push-ups, was lower in the group who could 10-20 push-ups and even lower in the subsequent groups.”
“the lowest risk was for those who could do 40 or more push-ups – they had a 96 percent lower incidence of heart disease compared with the weakest group.”
“the Study authors write that more research is needed to ensure that the relationship also exists in the population as a whole, that is to say, even among those who do not work as firefighters, among women, the elderly, and the unemployed.”
“the Study is published in the scientific periodical Jama Network Open.”
“Data from 1 562 firefighters in Indiana in the USA, older than 18 years, were collected at regular intervals at the same clinic during the time period 1 January 2000 to 31 december 2010. There were data on 1 104 fire fighters ‘ ability to do push-ups in tandem with a taktmätare set at 80 beats per minute. All carried out the test between 2 February 2000 and 12 november 2007.”
“Brandmännens health data during a ten-year period were compared then with the results in armhävningstestet. 37 people in the group had suffered heart-related ailments. Of them were 8 in the group of 75 people who could not do 10 push-ups, and only 1 person in the group of 155 who did 40 or more.”
“Source: Harvard Medical School”
“the Magazine Active Training tips on proper technique for push-ups:”
“Keep your back straight as a plank, so you could set a bowl of water in your pelvis and back.”
“Take down the shoulders a bit from the ears, keep the neck straight and look down at the floor.”
“Tighten the stomach and back muscles and sätesmuskulaturen.”
“Bend on the ds – and the shoulder joint at the same time when you raise and lower the body from the floor.”
“Lower the body for 2-3 seconds, let the body lying a short time on the floor and then raise the body as quickly as you can.”
“Repeat the exercise as fast as you can to not muscles to rest.”
“Armhävning is in the Swedish dictionary since 1878. The definition reads: “the
“Sources: the Active Training and the American dictionary”