The terrordømte and marokkanskfødte Said Mansour will be on Friday sent out of Denmark and Morocco.

The writing Radio24syv, which is present in Copenhagen Airport.

the 58-year-old Said Mansour is on Friday afternoon at 17.40 on board an airliner from the airport to Casablanca, Morocco, where he will be handed over to the moroccan authorities.

Said Mansour was in 2014 of the Eastern high Court sentenced to four years in jail for encouraging terrorism and pay homage to al-Qaida. Mansour went at that time also under the name of the Bookseller from Brønshøj.

He was also stripped of his Danish citizenship and expelled for ever. It was upheld by the Supreme court in 2016.

112 – 8. jun. 2016 – pm. 11:15 Now drops the hammer for the last time: all games of the Supreme court

With the return of the Said Mansour, it suggests that the Danish government, after long and intense negotiations with the moroccan government has signed or is close to concluding a hjemsendelsesaftale.

Danish Prime minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V) was in Morocco last month, where the return of Said Mansour was also brought up.

It is unknown, whether there has been concluded a concrete hjemsendelsesaftale before departure from Copenhagen, and in the given case, the diplomatic assurances that Said Mansour is not subjected to torture or degrading treatment.

Radio24syv have tried in vain to get confirmed at the Aliens affairs and Integration, whether there is a hjemsendelsesaftale between Denmark and Morocco.