– holiday pay, people have even worked for!
– The $ 1000 is a ‘gift’ from the welfare state.
– So ’taunt’ it can never be, but on the contrary generously!
How to write Carina P. in one of the more than 3000 comments that are written about in the nation! and Ekstra Facebook profile on kontanthjælpsmodtageren Philip M.’s ‘complaint’ of the 1000 kr., he and the rest of the estimated 1.799.999 danes, who receive unemployment benefits, social assistance, uddannelseshjælp, rehabilitation/forrevalidering, selvforsørgelses and hjemrejseydelse as well as transitional allowance, sickness allowance, jobafklaringsforløb, ressourceforløb, maternity benefit, loss of earnings, subject. children with reduced funktionevne, flex jobs, ledighedsydelse, SU-recipients, old-age pension, disability pension, early retirement, seniorpension, sheltered work, fleksydelse and grants to self-employed individuals with reduced working capacity, is to get:
See also: Kontanthjælpsmodtager samples feriepengeberegner: A derision
– I’m one of those who have worked hard all the time – also through the corona.
– And I have been exposed to infection, etc. so I want us to whine after a bonus + the extra 1000kr I miss.
Relax, however, with the require of the mentality, to continue the Carina, and at the Ministry of finance’s website, you can see that the government expects that the 1000 kroner awards in total will cost 1.8 billion.
– 1000kr is perhaps not much, but gratitude would, however, still dress.
And remember that the holiday pay has NOTHING to with it and make it the people’s own money, as they would have before, or since, anyway, writes Kasper A. in another comment, and the nation’s! John A. expresses himself like this:
They get 1000 kr
you will Receive one of these benefits, you are entitled to engangstilskuddet:
DagpengeKontanthjælpUddannelseshjælprevalidering / forrevalideringSelvforsørgelses and hjemrejseydelse and overgangsydelseSygedagpengeJobafklaringsforløbressourceforløbbarselsdagpengetabt of earnings subject. children with reduced funktionevneFleksjobLedighedsydelsesu-modtagereFolkepensionFørtidspensionefterlønseniorpensionskånejobfleksydelsetilskud to self-employed persons with reduced work capacity
Source: ministry of Employment
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– He should be happy for $ 1000. He has not lost anything during the crisis.
– People who get frozen holiday pay get their own money. He get since of society.
I myself am a pensioner, and I do not think we can have anything and I am grateful for, if someone really think I should have the $ 1000 tax free.
– There are people in this country who have seen their life’s work in ruins and must close.
– There are plenty of people who have lost their jobs and have difficulty paying their debt so as to free me for retirees and other folks on welfare who are complaining. Perhaps they should be ashamed instead, writes John A., but what are you thinking? And do you think there are any groups in society, who should get $ 1000 – but that is not on the list?