The alert viewer of the hotly debated TV2 News programme ‘Stick & Sass’ will have noticed that the program has not rolled over the screen in the new year.

Ekstra Bladet has asked kanalchefen on TV2 News, Ulla Pors, how it can be.

She explains that the program has constantly been scheduled to stop at the turn of the year. Therefore rejecting her, the two well-known heads have been taken of the screen.

– We have gone into election mode, and we will see what happens after the election. Then the program is tentatively stopped, says Ulla Pors.

– Søren Pind and Henrik Sass Larsen would like to continue?

– we have not talked about yet. Now we should just look for a choice.

– Have you been satisfied with the program?

– Yes, we think it has been fun and exciting. We have learned a lot from it. It has the viewers also. There were very many viewers.

– In has been criticism that Henrik Sass Larsen has been able to speak with you, while he will not speak with journalists. What has the criticism meant for you?

– The criticism we have the answer to for several rounds. It is not the Henrik Sass Larsen and Søren Pind, who have found that there is no need to sit a journalist in the middle. It is ourselves who have taken the choice. It was an attempt, we made it.

– I think, in many ways it was functioning. There were a few broadcasts where you could ask if there should have been a host there.

– So, if In the resume it, then it can be, there comes a host?

– I don’t know. It is simply too early to talk about. I can not comment on, says Ulla Pors.

TV2 News reached to send the 11 shows in the course of the autumn, which in its short life, managed to be criticized heavily for giving the two politicians free safe-conduct to the undisturbed to present their views on the society without being asked critical follow up questions.

Politics Burned Mette F. and partifællerne of: How to dodging Sass earful