Johann Steurer, Zurich Professor of medicine and education expert, wants to change the doctor’s training. If it were up to him, it would be a shorter, more focused, and not all students could specialize the way you want. Rather, the number of training places for the individual specialist would be areas such as gynecology or orthopedics on the basis of need in the population measured, and from the state or the universities specified.
Steurer is convinced that Switzerland could face a shortage of Doctors so much the better. This is great. As recent Figures show a hike in the Canton of Zurich, therefore, more and more foreign Doctors.
back from Geneva
Steurer meets with his concern of a sore point. So experts are asked to agree that needs to change medical education, but solutions, you will see various.
most of the back cover receives Steurer from the West of Switzerland. Henri Bounameaux, former Dean of the medical faculty in Geneva and Vice-President of the Academy of Medical Sciences, shares his analysis to a large extent. Bounameaux says: “The medicine in Switzerland is very well organized, but also very expensive and insufficient.” He urges: “We must regulate more, to meet the needs of the population to accommodate.”
Henri Bounameaux of the University of Geneva urges: “We need to determine the number of training places.” Image: Keystone/Christian Brun
The sticking point is not for him, but first and foremost, in the length of the course. This is necessary so that can decide for the students which direction you want to go later. Much more important, the training areas, places for the individual subject.
there is A Surplus in certain areas and a shortage in others was useless for the people that pay for the expensive training. Therefore, the cantons or the University hospitals as training have to the number of places places may be set. And then each and every one of the desire can pursue training, or it would have to pay for it yourself.
For Bounameaux is clear, the only way you can doctors the lack of in-House and in-house physicians to counteract. These are so rare that you get a faster appointment with the specialist to the family doctor. Earlier it was unthinkable.
“understanding for other decreases”
Jana Siroka Steurers proposals is skeptical. She works as a senior physician in the emergency of the Zurich Klinik Hirslanden and is of physicians, President of the Association of the Zurich Hospital and the hospital doctors.
she says that with a shorter course of study and an earlier focus on a specialization of the already existing degree of specialization even stronger – thus the understanding of complex patients and other professional would areas decrease.
Want that the students used to work in a hospital: senior physician Jana Siroka. Image:pd
If the study could focus on something even stronger, rather close to the practice, you will find it. She argues that the study is closer to the hospital, practice-oriented, so that the students can more quickly image of the profession make.
In Austria, for example, almost all students would complete the first year of study at the beginning of a four-week internship. After two years, it is compulsory and will says repeated every year, Siroka. In Switzerland, that comes much later.
As a scientist open to suggestions for Change: Uni-President Michael Hengartner. Image: Marc Dahinden
the rector of The University of Zurich shows open to the Amendments. As a natural scientist, he was interested, in principle, if Previous going covered, says Michael Hengartner. And it was good that the ideas from the circle of the medicine came. It was also important that the financial statements in medicine continue to be recognized both nationally and internationally.
“A bit like planned economy”
in it, Werner Bauer also sees the difficulty of a much shorter course of study. Bauer is a specialist in internal medicine in Küsnacht and President of the Swiss Institute for medical training. The minimum duration of study and training for professionals in Europe was regulated areas, he says. To change “all of this would be a huge effort.” However, he goes with Steurer agree that it is worth considering what you had to learn everything in the basic studies.
specialist in internal medicine, Werner Bauer, sees other possibilities against the shortage of Doctors. Image: pd
The number of training places for the disciplines to prescribe, is holding Bauer for a bad idea: “That would be a bit like a planned economy.” The shortage of Doctors, you can encounter from his point of view in one of three ways: with more study spaces, new work models and a Rethinking of what to include in the medical profession, anything really.
conclusion: The medical Professor Johann Steurer fired with his proposals a very important discussion which is already in full swing. The professionals in a change in the medical education and debate keep asking for urgent. However, you see different, other weak points of the system.
Created: 22.11.2019, 11:03 PM