1. Iryna lost her leg in the attack on Drottninggatan

In the beginning was charged with Rakhmat Akilov of the terrorist attack on the Drottninggatan shopping street on april 7, 2017. Outside Åhléns city rammed he a 37-year-old mother, who in sjukhusjournalen came to go under the name ”the unknown woman”. In reality, she is called Irina. She lost her leg and is struggling to be able to run again. DN:s Alexander Mahmoud tells her story.
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2. The president is forced away from the elitskola – parents in the rebellion, the Principal of the elitskolan Campus in Manila, was forced off. Photo: Lisa Mattisson

the Princess Estelles school, the Campus of Manila on the island of Djurgården, was hit in the beginning of the summer of a crisis. A conflict between management, the board and influential families came to a head after the headmaster was forced to stop.
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3. Alexander Bard: ”I see no reason to back a single millimeter” – People may as well get used to it, ” says Alexander Bard about the criticisms levelled against him. Photo: Erik Ardelius

Alexander Bard wanted to go in the forefront of a new mansrörelse and foster a new generation of men. But his statements in connection with the Metoo cost him the mission, and got thousands of people to sign a petition that he would get fired from TV4.
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4. ”People look at me like I was a monster”

Gruppvåldtäktsmålet in Fittja attracted a lot of attention and strong feelings. The five accused men was acquitted in the district court, but when the DN hit two of them tell me that they still feel judged by the public.
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5. Her son was forced to go rullstolstaxi throughout the day, Jeanette Engblom says that she will become insane by the idea of her son spending entire days in the rullstolstaxi. Photo: Nicklas Thegerström

Jeanette Engbloms severely disabled, 31-year-old son, did 4.842 taxi fares in sixteen months. Jeanette was shocked when she learned it.
– I want to whitewash my son. He is not capable to order a few taxi rides. For me, it feels as if someone or a few want to sweep this scandal under the carpet, ” she says.
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6. 52 adults together in a collective, on Östermalm in stockholm – When you have to adapt to a small surface area, creating more mindspace, says one of the residents of the community. Photo: Nicklas Thegerström

the crowded living conditions are increasing in Stockholm – for some more than happy. In a collective, in Östermalm intermingled 52 adults, a baby, a dog, a cat and a hamster. of
the Thesis is that we can reduce the living area by 60 percent and increasing well-being, ” says founder Lisa Renander.
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7. Lisa mugged on the subway in the middle of rush-hour traffic the Man who attacked Lisa was sentenced to a year in prison. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

Lisa, 27, was attacked by a man at a metro station in central Stockholm, in the middle of eftermiddagsrusningen. The man was stopped by two plainclothes police officers when he was about to rip off her pants.
– They saved me at the last moment, ” says Lisa.
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8. ”SL fining me after a post on Facebook” the district Court concluded that it was the fault of the SL to give Sofia Dahlén fines. Photo: Roger Turesson

the SL claimed that the Sofia Dahlén had an invalid ticket and insisted that she would pay the fines. She believes that she has never been stopped – and that SL gave her a fine because of the comments on Facebook.
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9. ”Sometimes I think that slavarbetet is back” – Many around Town can’t be bothered to even walk a block to throw their christmas tree recycling, ” says Camilla. Photo: Elin Åberg

the 53-year-old Camilla is one of the alternative garbage collector. She sorts the thrown and says that she wants to save what can be saved. But she also looks back.
– Sometimes I think that slavarbetet is back, ” she says.
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10. The history of the world’s most expensive hospital – New Karolinska

Stockholm would get a new university hospital, with health care and research in the world. But during the election year was the hospital a weapon in the political debate, following the lines of the scandals.
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11. The game behind the change of power in Stockholm – so was the green & blue the Green party’s decision to merge with the Alliance in Stockholm, sweden created echo across the political Sweden. Photo: Beatrice Lundborg

the green Party broke the logic of blocs and chose to rule with the Alliance in Stockholm. They won power, but run the risk of a svekdebatt that can last to the next election. DN tells the story of the game behind the change of power that affected national policy.
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12. The children of the wealthy had to go before the skolkö via the quota for new arrivals Campus Manila, let the children to the famous wealthy go ahead in the queue. Photo: Roger Turesson

the School Campus, Manila, caused several children of the famous millionaires go ahead in the queue. It was done by a specific quota that the government imposed in order that the refugee children would be able to get the location of private schools. In one of the cases got to school there was also a special allowance for new arrivals from the city of Stockholm.
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13. Cykelolyckorna increase significantly in the Stockholm Police Christer Baad say that it is dangerous to ride a bike in Stockholm. Photo: Daniel Costantini

During the first half of 2018, increased the number of accidents in the county by 17 percent compared with the 2017, according to figures from the county council. Men are over-represented in the statistics. Christer Baad, områdespolis on Södermalm, is not surprised.
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14. Police: Murder at the pizzeria was a revolt

Gängkonflikten on Järvafältet, there have been several deaths and skottskadade. During the autumn began the first trial in the only one of the cases that the police and prosecutor think they have cleared up. It concerned the murder of a pizzeria in Rinkeby in January of this year. According to the preliminary investigation, it was a revolt.
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15. From the war in Syria, the Stockholm archipelago, Hagar, Farhan and Barbour Alatrash is about to find himself on Möja. Photo: Elin Åberg

four years ago, fled Farhan Alatrash from the war in Syria. A year ago, he reunited with his wife and their children in Sweden. A month ago landed fembarnsfamiljen in their new home at Möja in the Stockholm archipelago – and has thus increased elevunderlaget on the island by nearly 20 percent.
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16. The pressure on the SOS Alarm emergency number 112 increases

the Pressure on the SOS Alarm emergency number 112 increase. In total, it received over three million calls in 2017. Almost a third of them touched no acute cases, approximately 100,000 were clean okynnesringningar. DN has visited the SOS Alarm central in Stockholm, 36 metres below the surface.
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17. E-mails reveal that Karolinskas management was alerted: ”Patients will die” An extensive mejlväxling shows that the hospital management received attention in the difficult difficult situation. Photo: Roger Turesson

Last summer’s cancerköer at the Karolinska – which meant that patients died – was well known by the hospital’s top executives, including master kai fa. The DN reveals a comprehensive mejlkorrespondens that shows how the management was informed about the situation and were warned repeatedly during the spring. When an established crisis management group, in a report called produktionsdirektören to take greater responsibility for short queues, saw the director that a warning was deleted.
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18. ”I realized what a loser I was, deeply in debt and being chased” – the Society must realize that it is seriously now, ” says the former gängmedlemmen Mehdi Adnan Moss, 33. Photo: Nicklas Thegerström

His life as a criminal led him far down to society’s bottom. Chased, indebted and armed, he lived in constant anxiety. Today, free and on her way to become a social pedagogue, he can’t emphasise enough the importance of investing in prevention work targeted already for children of young ages.
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19. The genocide of 1915 settled the local election in Södertälje Augen Aydin is on a walk with his daughter. He says that he would never be able to vote for a party that compromises in the ottoman empire numbered about the issue. Photo: Elin Åberg

In Södertälje, sweden lost the red-green parties its majority in the municipal council. At the same time, the Christian democrats dramatically – in some areas the party’s over 25 percent. Here was the 1915 genocide of the election’s most important question and the socialist councilor blamed the election loss of prime minister Stefan Löfven.
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20. The French school’s principal knew sexkonto – took two years to report it to the police Annastasia Wrembicki and May-Britt Galdo is critical to how the school has handled the events surrounding the Instagram office. Photo: Eva Tedesjö

the Girls hung out on Instagram in a contest among the boys at the French school. A scoring system was used where sexhandlingar with the girls gave different ranking. When uthängda students later alerted the school administration got the bad ear, they thought.
– it felt like It was important was for the school to retain its fine name, ” says May-Britt Galdo, who himself was the victim.
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