To the model of the Meier family includes father, mother and two children. The father works, the mother. The father earned with 150’000 Swiss francs per year. Model family is exactly placed the same. Nevertheless, it pays today, the Federal government significantly more taxes as the Meiers – 4463 Swiss francs instead of this 3403 francs. The Meiers have not but the better accountants – they have been married and receive a marriage bonus.

“This tax model from the post-war period should be abolished”, said Kathrin Bertschy, Co-President of the women’s umbrella organisation Alliance F and GLP-member of the Swiss Parliament, today in front of the media. This System favours single earner households and contemplating life, ultimately, women from the acquisition. In this way, the current tax system destroy the investment, particularly in the education of women put, concluded Caroline Müller-Möhl, Board of Trustees, President of the Müller-Möhl Foundation.

unmarried are punished check

its Foundation was, therefore, from the guidance office Ecoplan, which control system was a civil, neither punished nor rewarded. And whether the recommendation of the OECD is correct, according to which the individual taxation motivated by second-income earners and income earners, to accept a position. To do this, Ecoplan has compared three systems: in addition to the Status quo is the preferred System of the Federal Council, which wants to leave in the Essential couples choose whether you want to be as a married or unmarried tax. And thirdly, a modified individual taxation. Thereafter, the spouses are assessed individually, and families regardless of the marital status of the parents relieved.

The study showed: The System of the Federal Council, the so-called alternative tax calculation, accentuated the differences, especially in the case of single earner households. The married sid Meier’s paid 2783 Swiss francs in direct Federal the unmarried Freis taxes, 6053 Swiss francs, more than twice as much. A difference remains, even when the kids are moved out. In addition to these inequalities, because the Federal Council is focused on Married couples and not to families. The modified individual taxation treated in the same way, by contrast, both model families.

thousands would go back to work

the fairness of the System of the Bundesrat in the case of model families in which the father and the mother earn the same 75’000 Swiss francs: both married and unmarried parents to pay the same amount as in the case of the modified individual taxation. The current tax system punished, however, married parents: they pay the Federal government, 2412 Swiss francs, more than twice as much as unmarried with 1011 Swiss francs.

The individual taxation will not be charged but only civil status-neutral, it provides according to the study, mothers and fathers also have the largest incentive to return to work, or to increase the workload. According to calculations by Ecoplan labour force, the economy needs that could be filled in the sequence 40’000 to 60’000 full – time.

Will waive the CVP on marriage bonus?

However, The Parliament, and perhaps the people will once again be located on the abolition of the marriage penalty; the Federal court has recently cancelled the no. of voting people, to the corresponding CVP Initiative. If the Initiative would be accepted, would be the individual taxation is off the table.

coming Soon will address the economic Commission of the Council of States with the theme and the organisations present called on you to examine these individual taxation seriously – in addition to Alliance F these are employees ‘ associations and the liberal think tank Avenir Suisse. Marco Salvi of Avenir Suisse, said it is also in the interest of the CVP, if the marriage penalty would be abolished on individual taxation. The question was whether it was willing to waive the marriage bonus. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 29.04.2019, 18:54 PM