Who is the real donor of 132’000 Euro 2017 from Switzerland to the German AfD top candidate Alice ryegrass ? Not only a control panel in Berlin, German prosecutors and the media in both countries trying for months to find out. Also, the my AfD itself, since last autumn in constant contact with the Zurich druggists, whose company had transferred PWS Pharma whole sale the money in several tranches. The internal correspondence, which of the research-cooperation of WDR, NDR proves, “süddeutsche Zeitung” (SZ) and Tamedia now was playing.

The documents show how the AfD is in the donations affair, in the meantime, under pressure, on the one hand by the Demands of the competent administration of the German Bundestag, on the other hand, by the investigations of the Prosecutor’s office of Konstanz, which gets right to the assistance of their colleagues in Zurich. The Problem: party donations of more than 1,000 euros are illegal in Germany, if you come from Non-EU-citizens. The PWS Pharma whole sale is a Zurich-based company. The documents show how her boss, a chemist from Zurich, mountain, information, involved in contradictions and demonstrably false statement.

Video: AfD because of a donation under pressure Because of the party donation is growing pressure on AfD group head of ryegrass. Video: AFP

On the 27. November 2018 sent to the PWS Board of Directors in a letter to the managing Director of AfD, with the 14 names of alleged donors for Alice ryegrass. The AfD had requested this list in order to clarify whether all of the donors, a citizen of Germany or an EU country. You are actually 13 people on the list from Germany, a man comes from Belgium. Only: have not Donated to you probably.

“A not quite pure donations matter,”

Reporter from WDR, NDR and SZ found the Belgians in the Region of Antwerp, where he explained that he had already been some time ago, “a man from Switzerland” asked to provide his name because it would be beneficial that he was not German, but Belgian. He had never donated and no money for it. He knew, however, that money should go to the AfD, and had acted “for personal reasons”. The Belgian is likely to be a straw man – one of several.

Shortly before that, already a German pensioner, who lives on the Costa Brava was declared, reporters from the “mirror” and the ARD program “Report Mainz”, that he had not given his name for “pure donations affair” and 1000 euros. In this case it was donations to the current Co-AfD-Chef Jörg Meuthen. These donations were run through the Swiss Agency Goal by Alexander Segert who also designed campaigns for the SVP. The name of the alleged donor to Meuthen are in part identical with the name of the alleged donor to Alice ryegrass on the company of the Zurich druggists. So, in truth, Segert behind two donations? The recruiter answered the questions of Tamedia.

In the written information supplied by the druggists of the AfD, there are still more contradictions. The AfD-kreisverband “lake County registered”, where perennial top candidate was, on his account in the summer of 2017, a total of 17 Donations we have received from the Swiss PWS with amounts of between 7800 and 8300 euros, a total of 132’005,52 Euro. At that exchange rate, the 150’000 Swiss francs could have been, and so it also writes the druggist in his reply to the AfD. However, he reports at the same time 14 donors 13 with donations to the 9500 Swiss francs and a donor, namely the Belgians, with 10’500 Swiss francs. The power in the sum of 150’000 Swiss francs, but only 134 000 Swiss francs. Now the question arises: where did the rest of the 16’000 Swiss francs received on the account of the AfD?

the hole in the party Fund was stuffed to the repayment of the same again, at least partially.

language As the only Directors of the PWS in the last autumn, with Tamedia, he claimed the donation had been for the Swiss company, just a run-through post and the same have been forwarded. Also, this statement is based on the donor lists of don’t understand. The PWS would have passed on the 9500 Swiss francs, in each case immediately and completely, would have had to get the AfD-kreisverband at the level of the Swiss franc significantly more euros, up to 8600 Euro.

in fact, the donations are inputs in the case of the AfD, respectively, to 200 to 300 Swiss francs, lower than the outputs of the PWS. The information of PWS is wrong? Or, the Swiss company has retained in each donation as a fee? The druggist had to align his Board of Directors that he had no Information and opinion on such matters, and in the Rest of the previously published reporting as character assassination consider.

The AfD announced that it was working cooperatively together with the Bundestag administration and all the issues of financing the party in full, on time and “on the Basis of the best Knowledge available” answer. It is in the best interests of the party, “that all of the currently open issues are fully resolved”.

The AfD, the donations from Switzerland paid back in the spring of 2018 is almost complete. The hole in the party Fund, on lake Constance, but was stuffed again, at least partially. WDR, NRD, and SZ found out now, what are the five persons immediately 38’000 Euro to the account in the constituency of Alice ryegrass contributions.

One of the alleged donor is one of those Belgians, comes with 10’500 Euro on the list of Swiss PWS. He has, once again, as a straw-man his name, for the donation of another given? The Belgians wanted to give no answer. Alice ryegrass can about your lawyer telling you to answer because of the pending legal proceedings, currently no issues.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 28.03.2019, 17:59 PM