A now former member of Enhedslisten in Copenhagen shall remain in custody for another two weeks. It decides whether a judge Tuesday in the Copenhagen city Court.

the Man has been imprisoned since 5. april charged with rape, but refuses to commit.

The alleged attacks would have happened after a party in the technology and environment mayor Ninna Hedeager Olsen’s (EL) home. She has subsequently taken leave from his post, because the case has affected her greatly.

Ninna Hedeager Olsen explained to the police that the accused, on the same night, among other things, took on her breast, while she lay asleep, writes BT.

After the party had four people have gone to sleep in the same bed. Here, Nina Hedeager Olsen be woken up, when she was befamlet, and afterwards she would have registered one degree or another, that there also was something by the aggrieved.

It is so in the course of the night, that the then member of the supervisory board should have raped one of the other in the bed.

The injured woman was due to fatigue and or alcohol have been unable to say no.

Ninna Hedeager Olsen has not reviewed blufærdighedskrænkelsen, writes BT.

Lawyer Helle Vibeke Paulsen, who was greeted as the defence counsel for the accused man, believed that he was supposed to be released. She referred to the fact that he did not have the opportunity to influence possible witnesses, who gave evidence, like the case has been reported in the press.

The assessment was the judge disagrees, and he is remanded in custody until 7. may.