Today is Thursday, the district court in Bülach, opened his judgment against a 48-year-old air traffic controller from Skyguide . It is the third pilot, the is accused since 2014 due to a dangerous convergence of two aircraft, even if nothing and no one came to harm.

Nevertheless, to answer to the 48-Year-old to court because the office of the district attorney, Winterthur/Unterland, The man who started off in 1993 at Skyguide, his training, is to be punished because of negligent disruption of public traffic , because he has put people in danger. They requested a conditional sentence of imprisonment of 14 months. Star defender Lorenz Erni, to represent the pilots, calls for his client an acquittal.

training flight on the slopes, cross

The incident occurred on the afternoon of the 22. August 2012: On this day, a Pilot under the supervision of a Flight instructor trained in a small single-engine pilot’s point of view, approaches to the various slopes at the Zurich airport, in order to renew his license. He put on his “sport cruiser” on the runway short, out of your way to get started.

the crew of The sports cruisers requested in the case of the Skyguide air-traffic control authorization, may this also on the track 16, which forms, with the runway 28 is a cross. The 48-year-old pilot, was on this day in the control tower service, approved the maneuver, and radioed the pilots the appropriate instructions. Shortly thereafter, the crew of a line reported clear of the runway 28 machine of Darwin Airline as a start. The Saab 2000 with 18 inmates received from the Tower controller to release.

passenger plane increased the rate of climb

Meanwhile, the sports cruiser turned onto the runway 16. Earlier than the tower controller had expected, what the flight path of the small machine is shortened, and they brought on a collision course with the launch of the Saab. Moments before the warning system proposed in the control tower Alarm, noticed this the air traffic controller responded: He initiate ordered the crew of the small machine, a full-circle to the right.

How the report of the safety investigation Board (Saib), he added five seconds later, his statement and instructed the sport pilot to fly a “steep curve”. The Crew of the Darwin Airline reacted, in turn, alert system alerts through the collision on Board by increasing the rate of climb of your Saab. The delivery event for all those Involved got off lightly.

“Hypthesen” and “concrete risk of a Crash”

defender, Lorenz Erni stressed in his plea a number of times, that have never existed at any time a specific threat. The charges are based, therefore, on “reasonable assumptions” and assumptions and on an opinion that he think of nothing. His client had reacted as soon as he noticed that the machine would come to each other to close. The pilot said on the first Day of the trial last September: “I always had the feeling to have the Situation under control.”

For the competent public Prosecutor is, however, undisputed that the instructions of the air traffic Manager was a “concrete risk of Collision” involved and the sport cruiser in this low altitude, executed a steep curve for the small aircraft a “concrete risk of a Crash”. “It will make a big was incredibly lucky that we had here to do with experienced airline pilots and a very experienced Flight instructor that courageously responded,” she said in her plea. It also gave the 48-Year-old, “completely unapologetic” – and reasoned, among other things, the compared to similar cases, the high required degree of punishment.

The third pilot court

The 48-Year-old is already the third traffic controller of the Skyguide, must answer in court, although nothing and no-one came to harm. The first case, the district tsgericht Bülach negotiated. In December 2014, a Tower controller, the process was made, because it had come in Kloten, almost a collision. The pilot had, in March 2011, two Airbus machines from the Swiss on the cross slopes, almost at the same time, the start release is granted. The district court acquitted him, and was: The pilot could not be condemned for something that was specifically happening. The danger was only hypothetical. “The court must be based on what has happened,” said the judge.

in Contrast, the Prosecutor raised a complaint. The case was heard by the Supreme court, and the voice of the pilot in November last year not guilty. It sentenced the man to 90 daily rates à 210 francs and took the punishment. The pilot has pulled the case now to the Federal Supreme court.

This deals with a case in which a Skyguide air traffic controller have been sentenced. In the spring of 2018, the Federal government was in criminal court in Bellinzona the man guilty, because two of the passenger planes were in Zurich’s airspace to close. An Airbus A319 of the Portuguese airline TAP and a Boeing 737 of Ryanair’s were at 12. April 2013, at intersecting air routes, and near came in the climb dangerous. The judges assigned to the pilot with a conditional sentence of 60 days sets of 300 francs. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 28.03.2019, 07:43 PM