“The alarm about gunfire in the suburb of Tensta”

“Details: Silver-coloured pistol.”

“On Saturday, the police alarm about gunfire in the suburb of Tensta in north west Stockholm, sweden.”

“According to information provided to Aftonbladet have three shots shooting with a silver-coloured pistol.”

“– Witnesses have called in and said that you have seen a person in connection with shot shooting, ” says Anna Westberg, presstalesperson at the Police.”

“the Alarm was received at 19.30 o’clock.”

“Several high bang had been heard in Tensta and the police snatched out to the place.”

“We are there, and are looking into the matter,” says Anna Westberg, presstalesperson at the Police.”

“the Perpetrator in their 30s”

“No injured person was found there.”

“– But we can not rule out gunfire. Witnesses called in and said that you have seen a person in connection with that shot shooting.”

“According to information provided to Aftonbladet have three shots shooting with a silver-coloured pistol.”

“A perpetrator in the 30-year-olds should be behind the shooting, and hunted in the area during Saturday night, according to a source for the newspaper Aftonbladet.”

“the Police have sent out patrols to the Karolinska hospital to examine if any injured person to come in.”