NEW YORK (Dagbladet): In the summer was 30-year-old was arrested and charged with having collected information about u.s. officials and organizations, and to have tried to establish a channel of communication between the united STATES and Russia.

Up to now has Butina and the Russian authorities stubbornly maintained that she is innocent. American public prosecutor’s office believes, however, that she used her membership in the våpenlobbyorganisasjonen National Rifle Association (NRA) to establish contact with the leaders in The republican party, other conservative activists and business people on a mission from the Kremlin.

Changes explanation Alleged Russian agent: Shall have offered sex in exchange for the position of

New rettsdokumenter, which became known on Monday, and discussed by, among others, the Washington Post and the Daily Beast, however, shows that Butina will now say guilty and cooperate with the prosecution. In a joint request from both prosecutors and Butinas lawyers, please that she’ll change how she compares to the issue of guilt. Previously, she has refused straffskyld.

It is not clear exactly which parts of the indictment she now will say guilty.

Butina, originally from Siberia, started an organization to expand våpenrettigheter in Russia. So she developed a relationship with american, conservative våpenforkjempere. In september 2016, she moved to Washington D. C. to study at American University.

On a mission

The american prosecution believes Butinas goal was to promote Russian foreign policy objectives, and that she worked on a mission from Alexander Torshin, a former Russian senator, who was second-in-command of the Russian central bank up to the previous month. Earlier in the year was Torshin subject to sanctions from the united STATES.

Butina has been ” I since July, and until now the Russian authorities claimed that she is an innocent student. If she now enters into an agreement with the u.s. authorities and is cooperating, she can be released and deported to Russia in the course of the next few months, writes the Washington Post.

VÅPENLOVER: In the speech from the 2013 advises John Bolton, that Russia must copy America’s våpenlover, that the people are better able to protect mothers, children and families. Video: CNN Show more

Butina has been indicted by prosecutors in Washington D. C. rather than by special investigator Robert Mueller, who leads the Russia-investigation. It can be an indication that Mueller believes her activity not directly related to his investigation, which is investigating the relationship between Russia and the Donald Trumps of campaigning.


In December 2015 helped Butina to arrange than a trip to Moscow for the NRA-tops. She worked then for that they should visit the central Russian politicians. Among other things, they met the mighty Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, writes the Daily Beast. She should also, according to the website, have initiated a relationship with the republican strategist Paul Erickson, who also has close ties to the NRA.

Butina should also have had contact with the Trump promotion. During a valgkampmøte in Las Vegas in July 2015 she got asked Trump a direct question about how he saw on the u.s. sanctions against Russia after the invasion of the Crimea.

Accused for offence after tweet

– We get along with Putin. I don’t think you will need those penalties, black Trump.

Since she attempted to organize a meeting between Torshin and Trump on the NRA-the general assembly in may 2016. It was not successful. But she and Torshin had contact with Donald Trump junior, at the meeting, according to the Washington Post.


at the same time continues Muellers Russia-investigation for full. It is complicated, but an informative review from Axios shows the most important of which currently is known about the relations between Russia and the Trump camp:

Several Russian officials approached a dozen people very close to Trump . This includes, among other things, Trump’s son, his closest adviser, his lawyer and valgkampsjefen his.Russia offered valgkampassistanse. None in the circle around the Trump notified the FBI about this attempt to influence elections.Twelve Russian intelligence officers are charged with having hacked the Democratic nasjonalkomité and systematically publish material via Wikileaks with the aim to damage Hillary Clinton’s election campaign.Trump’s backers Roger Stone and Jerome corsi is was in contact with Wikileaks. The two are now under investigation for whether they showed about the publication of the Democratic e-mails before it happened.Donald Trump junior and other key Trump-staff met with the russians in the summer of 2016 after promises to get damaging information on Hillary Clinton.Trump negotiated for a lucrative real estate project in Moscow during presidential election campaigns. This he lied about and kept hidden from the public eye.American intelligence believes completely unanimous that Russia attempted systematically to influence the us elections.Trump employees continued to talk with the Russian authorities after the elections and before the Trump was sworn in. Both his in-law Jared while I and when the attorney general Jeff Sessions failed first, to provide information about the contact they had with the russians.Trumps valgkampsjef, Paul Manafort, lied about his contact with Russia, was charged and now have to zone a fengselstraff.Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, lied about his contact with the russians, got fired and was charged. Since he has chosen to cooperate with Mueller-investigation.Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, lied about his contact with the russians. He was charged with. Now he collaborates with the Mueller-the investigation and is a nøkkelvitne against Trump.Trump even calls constantly investigation a “witch hunt” and denies having done anything wrong. the CREATE the HEADERS: Donald Trump creates ever headlines the world over. This time it’s for the clever treatment of an umbrella. See the event here! Video: AP Show more