“The ambassador called up after Afrikakommentarer”

“France call up Italy’s ambassador ago the deputy prime minister Luigi Di Maio urged the EU to impose sanctions against the country for its presence in Africa, reports the BBC.”

“– the EUROPEAN union should impose sanctions against France and all countries that, like France impoverishes Africa and get the people to leave, that africans should be in Africa and not on the bottom of the Mediterranean sea, said Di Maio, the leader of the populist Femstjärnerörelsen, at a meeting in the weekend.”

“– If people leave in the day so it is because of that the european countries, particularly France, never stopped to colonize Africa.”

“Di Maios move is the latest in a line of Italian outcome against France. Earlier this month declared the second deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini that France provides protection to several terrorists killed in Italy. Luigi Di Maio, in turn, applauded the so-called “Yellow vests and urged them not to give up at the same time that he offered”