Long years, the British took care not too, what was doing in Westminster’s iconic room with the green benches. To be splashed times, Tony Blair’s or David Cameron’s, the operation relatively peaceful. In a time of clear majorities or coalitions of the big things played out in Downing Street or in the ministries.

The hours-long debates with your antiquated conventions in the House of Commons, interested not only enjoyed a really policy-obsessed time and the Rapporteur. According to the for the first time in 1989, in the televised Speeches and votes, barely switched on a regular basis.

Also this has changed but, like so many things, with the Brexit . Just been reported that the parliamentary channel of the BBC, with its Live Broadcasts from the Palace of Westminster in the third week of January, attracted an average of 300’000 spectators in front of the screen more than the small Reality TV channel MTV.

Bercow defended the interests of Parliament

Meanwhile, the “Chamber” with its many odd traditions all around the world. Like the weekly question hour, the Prime Minister expires; such as “Backbenchers” need to jump up, to be called; such as no member of the chamber, not a “Member of Parliament” (MP), the name must be; how everything turns out at the head of proceedings, to “Mr Speaker”,; how, after a vote, the four “plate”, the Tellers, up: these are just some of the many mysterious rules, which knows the “mother of parliaments”.

Now the sparks flying between the “front benchers” and him.

Mr Speaker himself, the former Tory politician John Bercow, had to commit at the time of his election as Speaker in 2009, to strict neutrality, it has brought in recent times, and is practically a global celebrity. The reason for this is that the 56-Year-old has followed has always been the goal to defend the interests of the representatives of the people against the Executive.

The Brexit-Chaos since 2016, and Theresa may’s loss of their house majority in 2017, have given him the opportunity to do so. Now the sparks flying between the “front benchers” and him.

“Ooorder!”: John Bercow, Speaker of the house of Commons, in action. (Video: Reuters)

This is not a miracle. Because Bercow not only provides the of May like to ignore Parliament is a collective voice. He sits sometimes, which allows the unwritten Constitution of great Britain, with improvements on government powers. For example, the establishment of the parliamentary rules of procedure was previously only a matter for the government.

Now Bercow has declared an application admissible, which gives this rule undermines and members of Parliament completely new legal rights. So the Prime Minister May have been forced to present already five session days after the historic defeat of Brexit-Deals in new plans. You had to wait 21 days in order to increase the pressure on the resisting, rebellious backbenchers, with increasing proximity to the Exit.

accusations of lack of neutrality

Also, the fact that the Parliament had to be asked to be may’s Deal “in a meaningful way,” Bercow done with. Next, he wants to ensure that the parliamentarians own Brexit-will be able to enforce plans, as long as the government is incapable of taking decisions – provided, of course, that the can contact house of self on something.

Still in the 90s he was part of the entourage of the vehemently anti-European Right in his party.

This maneuver Bercows have led to outrage in the case of Brexit-hard-liners and government officials. The Bercow opponents are of the Belief that the Speaker has abandoned his neutrality and the Brexit wants to sabotage it.

As proof of this serves you, that Bercow once a group of students is entrusted, he voted in favour of remaining in the EU in 2016. And that his wife, Sally, who is a member of the Labour Party, an Anti-Brexit-has sticker on the car.

In fact, Bercow is a curious figure. In the 90s he was part of the entourage of the vehemently anti-European Right in his party – and he made no secret. Once the Speaker is chosen, and of his wife, apparently, about this and that its security, he changed some of his views of reason.

ban to the US President, Trump

more Recently, the opposition parties, and a sufficient number to keep him conservative backbenchers in the office, from the other Tories of the loved one to execution in the Tower would be to tow. Self-criticism of him because of the sometimes rough-and-tumble to vexatious occurrence has him can’t hurt – so far.

sick and poking some Conservatives is that Bercow is not granted to the US President, Donald Trump is practically banned in Westminster, because he endorsed trump’s “racist and sexist” behavior. Bercow is his players will not be a Nuisance in a Robe only. He holds concrete Power in your hands. That is the Problem.

More influence than the members of

Because the Speaker determines which requests for votes, were selected and the members be called in debates. He works silently behind the Scenes. He interpreted ambiguous cases as he thinks fit. He can open up to the people on the green benches new possibilities of influence. He is very much more than the previous Speaker the green light for “emergency debates”, in which Ministers answer questions. And he would have the deciding vote, if it came to a stalemate at some point.

The circumstances of these days plays Bercow, a role which he uses to the utmost – to the corresponding reactions. “In the Sport,” mused London’s “Financial Times” recently, “sometimes give the referee the rash.” And in British politics, the Speaker from practicing “is often more influential than the Deputy, he has supervised”. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 28.01.2019, 19:39 PM