During the financial crisis, it was difficult for the young håndværkerspirer to find apprenticeships.

Now it is about to go the other way again, and it has got installationsvirksomheden Sif Group to explore new ways to develop and train apprentices.

For the next year, open an academy to look after and cultivate talents. In the longer term, the college to ensure that the young apprentices will continue their careers in the Sif Group.

Installationsvirksomheden dream to have one on the way can keep young people locally by providing them with a development plan.

It tells the Sif, the Group’s executive director, Lars Mejlby.

– We are going to make karrieretrapper and -talk with every single employee. We even have an experience of, that there are a great many of the young people, who would like to, but they might have shown which way they should go, ” says Lars Mejlby to Today’s Construction.

in Addition to the department in Næstved has the Sif Group is a local branch in Roskilde, head office in Søborg and a quite newly opened branch in Kalundborg.

It is a big business, and it is seen also on the number of apprentices: About 80 currently work for the Sif Group, who even wants to be able to recruit even more. Until now, the company has grown its apprentices by means of mentoring and lærlingeansvarlige.

At Tekniq, installationsbranchens employer and business association, is in favour of the college. Sif Group has, according to the organisation, a good reputation, and therefore can vice president Tina Voldsby’t see anything wrong in that the company stands behind the academy.

– It is very sensible that a company takes its starting point in that you have a bunch of staff that have spent resources on training, and as you try to maintain, says Tina Voldby to Today’s Construction.