While the debate on the flyrejsers significant CO2 emissions and low impact on the climate is raging, so the vying companies in the aviation industry to be the first that can send electric powered passenger plane on the wings.

moving fast, and passagerrejser with electric aircraft is only a few years out in the future.

It says senior adviser Olav Mosvold Larsen from the Norwegian state-owned company Avinor, which among other things operates airports in Norway.

– There are hundreds of small and large companies, which are working to develop electric aircraft, he says.

– With the information we have from the aircraft manufacturers such as Boeing and Airbus, so they are working on concepts, from approximately 2030 will be able to fly up to 100 passengers, about 1000 kilometers in the so-called hybridfly. It will be a good fit for northern european aviation.

The Norwegian government has a strong focus on the to electrify the traffic to land, sea, and also in the air, in order to reduce CO2 emissions.

Why has Avinor to the task to follow the market and look at how that can be put to speed up the development.

the Airlines SAS and Wiederøe are partners in the project.

The first electric passenger aircraft, according to the seniorrådgiveren aircraft with electric motors, where a generator on board to charge the batteries along the way.

– With the type of song, we believe that all Norwegian indenrigsflytrafik can be electrified by 2040, he says.

He mentions that the u.s. Zunum Aero, which, among other things, the Boeing and lavprisselskabet JetBlue is behind, has been ready with a 12-person hybridfly in 2022.

Recently, the british low-cost airline Easyjet, who cooperate with the manufacturer, Wright Electric, volunteered on the course. They will insert elfly on selected routes of up to 500 kilometres in 2027.

According to the luftfartsanalytiker Jacob Pedersen, aktieanalysechef in Sydbank, it is natural to man in the industry vying to come first. The future of elfly will also be cheaper in operation.

– the Trend goes in the direction of that it will be more expensive to fly with regular fuel, and the politicians to introduce more taxes. So it is clear that you have to have an answer in the industry, he says.

But the actual announcements of meetings a degree of skepticism. According to Jacob Pedersen becomes the new technology is often delayed in aviation.

And Peter Omand Rasmussen, associate professor at the Department of Energy technology at Aalborg University, expects that it will require a revolution in the field of batteriteknik’.

– It may well be that the development can come and go quickly. But as it is now, is the energy density of batteries is simply too low compared to for example aviation fuel.

It has also, according to Olav Mosvold Larsen long-term outlook, before it can be put in elfly into the overseas distances.