this Friday, the Constitution begins political Showdown: In the Federal Council, all the countries are rejecting the fundamental changes to the law, the Federal government and the Bundestag have connected with the digital Pact for the schools. Then, the mediation Committee will be called. The procedure, if the two sides are not in agreement – if the legislative process is wrong. If so, the Federal government and the Bundestag have passed over well-known objections of the Federal Council, because they believed the rules already.

For example, because of media pressure will make the countries discouraged (and how to get the fuels, you know, in the government of Central Berlin). Conflicts stirring again and again, also, therefore, that Federal side of new conditions very late in the legislative process are introduced. Then the country leaders are in the final vote in the Bundesrat before the question: to swallow or against it?

this Friday, the country give two types of answer. However, keep it is the reason for changes in the law, which will delay the digital Pact. Swallowing it is probably Good-Kita-law, whereby the Federal side, the wheel is turned a bit. Also, the day-care centre law, like the countries, but only conditionally. In both cases, the Federal government intervenes, namely, deep in the tasks of the länder and the municipalities, and thus to their autonomy. As he wields the Golden carrot.

Federal? Countries? Parties!

With a view to the digitisation of state law , Joachim Wieland, said that the Federal “power of the Yes is not out of Cockiness,” but because he had the impression that here in the countries, something not good. But what is this: the Federal government, the countries called? Practically a black-red coalition in Berlin, in this case, supported by the FDP, Greens and Left is there. If this Alliance in the Bundestag sees in fact, deficits in the countries, then it would be the own. After all, who ruled in the countries? The CDU, CSU, SPD, Green, Left, FDP.

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debate of the digital Pact power struggle between the Federation and the länder by the basic law

Albert, radio days, the mirror in the Morning


Actually order it, however, is not the correction of incorrect policies, but rather the balancing of false tax distribution. The Federal government has been sitting for years on a lot of money and can not spend it for their own tasks. So it is a mixed negotiate of Berlin with billions of programmes, cumbersome, and rarely fit exactly into the other levels and play the benefactor. Although in the countries and many local authorities the money is also not so scarce. The division of tasks, an advantage of federalism is to be connected, run by superfluous cooperation, which tends permanently to the bureaucratism, when the programs with extensive control rights and obligations of proof as in a Central state. Cooperate in the Excess power of the federalism doughy.