The successful people’s desire for more protection of species is only the prelude to a new Form of participation. The policy needs to adjust to the fact that the population is also involved in other fields.
comment by Sebastian Beck
The initiators of the people’s desire for more types of protection for a historic victory: they forced the Bavarian government to a radical change of course in agricultural policy. When it came to the interests of the farmers, operating the CSU for decades, is a blatant patronage politics, was the core of the voluntary nature of environmental protection measures. So it is now over. The farmers will be in the future, required at least some basic standards.
The corridors of Bavaria’t transform, therefore for a long time in flowering landscapes, the destruction has progressed too far. After initial outrage, meanwhile, have recognized but also the farmers, that they must bend to the will of the vote. The devastating findings of science can neither explain away nor Traktorkorsos wegdemonstrieren. On the other Bavaria’s farmers count on, ultimately, to the profiteers of Agriculture, which protects your natural production base and this amount of money. On the other hand, the consumers will need to your consumption behavior change. A large majority of the population would be easily able to make more money for a better diet. Who has signed the petition, the committed self, to take responsibility.
The state government must adjust to the fact that the population is also involved in other policy fields, the CSU and the Free voters to make a bow: A people’s desire to care for a state of emergency has cleared the first hurdle; campaign for a third national Park, the economical use of land and climate could follow. And perhaps the sleepy-head of the SPD on Wake up even once again and consider whether you could tackle the housing problem on a national legislation. Democracy in Bavaria does it all well. The state government of the Tack in the butt – true to the ÖDP-Slogan – very invigorating. As soon as the protection of species, the CSU has never learned.