The cost for the German capital airport BER from a media report shows a higher than planned. As the “Bild am Sonntag” reported, the airport company for 2021 to 2024, almost 300 million euros more than previously estimated.

The newspaper relies for its information on a confidential report to the shareholders Berlin, Brandenburg and the Federal government. Alone for the completion of the main terminal 212 million euros are still missing to follow-up costs. The cost of the building, rising to 2.6 billion euros. Furthermore, more needs of around 60 million euros for the so-called master plan for 2040 was.

so Far, 508 million Euro were foreseen for the period. According to the “Bild am Sonntag” quoted Figures of the airport is needed now, however, 792 million euros for the period. According to the report, the shareholders have reacted angrily to the about the need for more and requested the management to rework.

Airport CEO Engelbert Lütke Daldrup was on Friday the 31. October 2020 as the final date for the opening of the BER to be announced. Originally, the airport should be operational in the year 2011, the opening date was postponed again and again. (sda)

Created: 01.12.2019, 11:09 PM